Consequences or Disciplinary Actions for Tardiness in a 9-week Grading Period:
The first, second, and third tardy to each class will constitute a warning and a teacher level intervention (including parent contact). The tardy pass(es) students receive serve(s) as written warnings.
On the fourth tardy (and for every four tardies thereafter) to each class, students will receive a disciplinary referral.
1st referral for tardies (4 tardies to a single class):
Parent notification by dean or admin.
After school detention from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on an assigned day; parent pickup required.
2nd referral for tardies (8 tardies to a single class):
Parent notification by dean or admin.
Two After school detentions from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on assigned days; parent pickup required.
Tardy contract with student
3rd referral for tardies (12 tardies to a single class):
Parent meeting at the school required to review contract
Three After school detentions from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on assigned days; parent pickup required.
Loss of eligibility for extracurricular activities and schoolwide incentives for that season/quarter.