Need to enroll your student at Southside Middle?
Enrollment Hours:
10 am to 1: 30 pm
No enrollments on Early Release Wednesdays
Please ensure you have completed the Online Registration application and have all necessary documents prior to coming to SMS to meet with our Enrollment Counselor.
Enrollment paperwork:
Register online at (New to DCPS students only)
Registration form (Previous DCPS students only; available inside of the school upon admittance to the main office)
Emergency card (will complete upon admittance into the main office)
Birth certificate (or other valid evidence of date of birth)
Florida shot form (FL680) or Florida exemption
Physical exam on a Florida form
Most recent school records (if entering from outside a DCPS school)
IEP/504 plan if applicable
Proof of address (2 from Category A or 1 from Category A and 2 from Category B lists):
Category A
Driver’s license/FL ID
JEA bill
Mortgage/Lease agreement
If lease agreement if from a private individual, it MUST be notarized AND include 2 additional documents from category B
Category B
Auto Insurance
Credit card statement
USPS confirmation of address change
Bank statement (Please make sure account number is blacked out)
Payroll statement
Current non-cellular phone bill
Vehicle registration