Arrival Procedures
No drop-off before 9:10, except for morning enrichment.
Gates will open at 9:10 for all walkers, bikers and car riders.
All students will report directly to their 1st/5th period.
Breakfast will be served in the classroom; free to all students.
Dismissal Procedures
Students will be dismissed in waves via the intercom as follows:
Wave 1: All walkers, bikers, and car riders exit out the front gate.
Wave 2: All after school activities report to the cafeteria.
Wave 3: Bus riders with a connector report to the Gym Bus Loop.
Wave 4: All other buses will be called by number; students will report to the Knights Lane Bus Loop
Students must only leave class when their wave is called. All students in the hall during any wave will exit with those students. No Exceptions!