During Early Release Wednesdays, Southside Middle offers a variety of clubs during the school day for our students. Our clubs are:
Animal Club: Students will learn about dogs and cats as well as other household pets, including proper care, reading body language. Students will be able to share about their pets and sometimes make items for their pets.
Anime Club: Appreciation, discussion of Anime and possible creation of Anime.
Art Club: Students will work on art projects: painting, drawing etc. Art education strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
Badminton: Students will learn how to play badminton. (this could become a variety of sports to rotate throughout the year.)
Bible Club: A club that teaches students about the history and books of the Bible. It takes students through the Old and New Testaments. Students will watch a survey of animated short films that highlight and summarize books of the Bible.
Board Games Club: Students will have the opportunity to learn critical thinking, logic, and strategy skills while playing a variety of board games with their peers, including chess, Monopoly, Connect 4, Candy Land and more.
Book Club: This club is a continuation of the Big Read Book Club that takes place each week. Students will spend time reading the book, discussing the book, completing activities and/or projects about the book, and even watching the movie adaptation of the book for further discussion.
Card Games Club: Students will have the opportunity to learn critical thinking, logic, and strategy skills while playing a variety of card games with their peers, including Uno, Phase 10, Dungeon & Dragons, Magic the Gathering and many more.
Catch Club: If you enjoy playing baseball or softball, this is the club for you. Play catch and practice hitting.
Chess Club: Chess is an ancient game that builds teams, improves memory, creates confidence, and increases intelligence.
Coloring Club: Relax and enjoy creating artwork through coloring.
Computer Club: Dive into computer technology to enhance your computer literacy. (This club will focus on using various programs on the computer. Leaders should be prepared to teach students how to use Microsoft Apps as well as other resourceful computer programs.)
Cooking Club: Teaching sanitation, cooking methods, terminology, make basic meals, organization, and standards of being clean and productive in the kitchen.
Crochet: Students will learn about the basics of crocheting. Students may need to bring in own supplies.
Drama Club: Students will learn and practice acting techniques and put on a performance towards the end of the year!
Drawing/Sketching Club: This will have a place for those students who love to sketch or draw and develop their talents and possibly be a way for them to venture to their future careers.
Fantasy Sports Club: Students will be able to build the following skills: teamwork, negotiation skills, roster management, foundational math skills (money management, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), and strategic management. Students will develop these skills through participating in various fantasy sports such as Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, and Soccer.
Fitness & Nutrition Club: Students will learn all about the basics of body weight strength and movement to help take care of their bodies and perform when they get into sports or just any type of moving. It would also address how to run to stay fit, how to stay strong and how to prevent injuries.
Gardening/School Beautification: Students will work in the garden beds and continue to plan and execute school beautification projects.
GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) Club: Genders & Sexualities Alliance, or GSA for short, is a student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities. GSAs have evolved beyond their traditional role to serve as safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth in middle schools and high schools, and have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice.
Guitar Club: Music teaches math through theory. Students will learn timing and structure as well as the confidence of learning a socially acceptable skill.
Journalism/SMS Newspaper: Students will work on the monthly SMS Newspaper and learn journalism basics.
Karaoke Club: Students will take turns belting out their favorite Karaoke tunes! (Leader should be prepared to organize Karaoke competitions with students. We have access to a microphone and speaker and there are many Karaoke apps/resources out there.)
K-Pop Club: Listening to and discussing all things K-Pop!
Language Club: Students will discuss the benefit of bringing our diverse languages and cultures together.
Latin Music Club: Enjoy listening to, dancing to and discussing Latin music.
Lego Club: Build Lego structures and get creative.
Martial Arts: Students will teach themselves discipline and self defense skills.
Minecraft: Students will play Minecraft to learn team building activities in a fun and interactive way.
Preparing for a Bright Future: This club is for highly motivated students who would like to set up academic, personnel, and professional goals for their future. We will help them access their academic data and set goals for improvements. Students will get training and become leaders for new students.
Photography Club: Learning how to take good pictures, especially with cellphones. Likely also start to look at digital processing of pictures. We will also look at different styles of photos.
Random Acts of Kindness: Students will create and participate in random acts of kindness activities, spreading positivity on campus.
Robotics: The purpose of the robotics club is for students to learn how to code and write commands for robots through play.
Scholar Bowl/Team Trivia: Knowledgeable Knights will be able to show what they know in a fun and competitive manner by answering completely random trivia questions. Have you ever seen the show jeopardy? It's just like that, with buzzers and all!
Self-Care Club: Meditation, yoga, facial masks, and other relaxation techniques.
Soccer Club: Come play small games of soccer and do drills to have fun and improve your skills!
Student Government: The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA) is to serve as the official voice of the student body and as liaison between the student body, faculty and administration; promote educational and social student activities; promote leadership development; and encourage responsibility, and self-discipline.
Video Games: Giving students time to relax, destress, congregate, and socialize, as well as test their video gaming skills. (Leader might want to organize video game competitions amongst the students.)
Web Design Essentials: Students will learn how to create webpages.
Coding: Coding aims to establish a coding culture on campus, reaching every student passionate about coding. The club is for students who want to interact with like-minded peers and explore the world of computer science.
Chorus: Chorus club members get the opportunity to develop their singing skills, explore a variety of musical styles and the experience to perform.
Cheer: Cheer club students will get the opportunity to learn dances, cheers, chants, and team-building activities, as well as perform for each other. Let’s go Knights!
Running Club: This club would train students on how to become lifelong runners. It will address how to run to stay fit, how to stay strong and how to prevent injuries.
Yoga: Yoga is a way to find peace within and in the world around you. It is exciting to practice and will leave you feeling energetic, positive, and hopeful. Join yoga club to find your Zen.