The Seabreeze Advantage

As a designated School of Excellence that earns an A+ rating year after year, we make delivering the highest-quality education look like a breeze. But there’s a lot of hard work, dedication, and commitment that goes into delivering a world-class education for your young learner. At Seabreeze Elementary, you’ll find a rich educational experience where students can ride a non-stop wave of discovery while experiencing intellectual growth and character development.

The School That Has It All

With a nurturing environment and engaging before-and-after-school activities, we offer diverse opportunities for students to excel, including STEM and gifted education. All curriculum and programs are implemented under the caring supervision of our community’s best educators. The tides may change but our amazing school consistently ranks among the best on the First Coast.

Family First

You will have a hard time finding a school with a bigger emphasis on community and family engagement than at Seabreeze. Many families enjoy the convenience of walking their children to school and participating in our many family-focused events and activities. We want our students to benefit from the most supportive and nurturing learning environment possible. Seabreeze Elementary prioritizes responsive communication with parents and guardians. We also work hard to build a sense of family within our school walls. Our students encourage each other, form strong bonds, and celebrate one another's success.

A Home Away from Home

What students love most about Seabreeze Elementary depends on who you ask. For some, it’s our energetic teachers who love to go the extra mile. For others, it is our STEM programs or other challenging academic endeavors. Many students love our clubs and endless activities outside the classroom. But nearly every student will tell you that Seabreeze Elementary is where they feel at home. At Seabreeze, we’re honored to help our cherished students become the best version of themselves.

Seabreeze Programs

Student Leadership Clubs

Safety Patrols, News, and lots of opportunities for grades 4-5.

Morning Mile

Open to all ages, research-supported to boost student achievement.

Kelp Club

Garden and greenhouses promote conservation and gardening.

What’s Happening