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Delivering the world on our campus
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We are a local school where students blossom under the guidance of our caring staff. We take great pride in building a school that embraces ambitious learning and empowers students to become leaders and responsible citizens who contribute to our global world. Beauclerc Elementary School strives to provide exceptional educational experiences through leadership as well as through bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural dual language opportunities in every classroom, for every student, every day, and in every home. Our students are taught academic fundamentals, good citizenship, and most important, a love of learning, all while embracing an understanding of diverse cultures.
The culture at Beauclerc Elementary School is created from a long history of serving this special community. Through celebrating diversity, honoring tradition, and highlighting our cultural differences, we continue to grow and achieve greatness. Our students enjoy the large outdoor area of our campus with gardening, multiple playground areas, and even an amphitheater. Teachers make learning fun, allow students to learn another language, and provide time to explore.
Beauclerc has an active student council that meets with its faculty representative weekly and presents to the School Advisory Board monthly. We also have our Leaders of Tomorrow program that pairs students up with a staff member who will regularly work with them to develop leadership skills. It’s an exercise that allows students to own their work and master the importance of responsibilities.
Structured activities geared to your child's grade level
Performance opportunity for 4th and 5th grade students
Quality, comprehensive and ongoing instruction in the visual and performing arts
Promoting citizenship, leadership, human relations and cultural values