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Kaitlin Newton
Speech Language Pathologist
Southside Estates Elementary
Kimberly Newton
Tutor I (PT)
Sandalwood High
Meaghan Newton
Kindergarten, Elem
San Jose Elementary
Rhonda Newton
Fifth Grade, Elem
Hogan-Spring Glen Elementary
Shion Newton
Mathematics, Middle
Lake Shore Middle
April Nguyen
Kindergarten, Elem
Greenland Pines Elementary
Hoa Nguyen
Payroll Services
Ken Nguyen
Athletic Coach
Coaches Only
Linh Nguyen
Extended Day I (PT)
Sabal Palm Elementary
Antwan Nicholas
Varying Exceptionalities
Riverside High
Belinda Nicholas
Paraprofessional ESE Pre-K
Biltmore Elementary
Derek Nicholas
Music, Elem
Timucuan Elementary
Naomi Nicholas
School Safety Assistant
School Police - East
Shaquasa Nicholls-Brown
High School Secretary
Riverside High
Victoria Nichols
Third Grade, Elem
Sabal Palm Elementary
Beverly Nicholson
Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSS)
Oak Hill Academy
Djenaba Nicholson
Paraprofessional Student Focus
Loretto Elementary
Javareal Nicholson
Truancy Officer
Attendance & Truancy
Mya Nicholson
Physical Therapy
Jean Ribault High
Natalie Crystal Nicholson
Kindergarten, Elem
Love Grove Elementary