School Advisory Council Meetings (3rd Tuesday of the month) 3:30pm
School improvement is a number one priority at Windy Hill Elementary. The primary role of our School Advisory Council (SAC) is to monitor our School Improvement Plan (SIP) which is an annual plan to improve education in vital areas such as: student achievement, curriculum, safety, and discipline.
What is the SAC Committee? The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a team of people representing various segments of the community– parents, teachers, students, administrators, support staff, business/ industry people and other interested community members.
What do they do? SAC members gather to discuss the school’s academic plan and progress.
They discuss the School Improvement Plan - a plan made of goals and objectives established for the school determined by needs. The purpose of the School Improvement Plan is to increase student performance. The SAC committee assists the school principal with budget and recommendation on how school monies are spent or allocated. How can parents get involved and participate in the SAC committee? Parents are encouraged to attend the monthly meeting of the SAC committee at WHE.
Why is it important for parents to be active participants?
The SAC committee provides a place where parents can voice their opinions and suggestions. They have an active role in making decisions that will best serve the students.
SAC also gives the opportunity for parents to actively participate in setting goals and making plans to achieve those academic goals.
SAC allows for parents to identify issues that need to be addressed concerning the school climate.
Meeting Dates
September 20th
October 18th
November 15th
January 17th
February 21st
March 21st
April 18th
May 16th