General Information
School Contact and Conference Scheduling
Visit this page to get all phone numbers and emails of Stanton faculty and staff.
Appointment for Immediate Concerns:
If you have any concerns that demand immediate attention, such as grade issues, health problems, or any academic issue, please call or email the school counselor so that your concerns can be addressed:
A-Ha, V. Evans-Claire Email Evans-Claire, 904-630-6760 ext 1153999922
He-Pe K. Fessenden - Email K. Fessenden, 904-630-6760 ext 1153999923
Ph-Z, M. Watanabe - Email M. Watanabe, 904-630-6760 ext 1153999921
To set up a parent-teacher conference –please contact the counselor
Parent membership organizations
There are many opportunities for parental involvement in Stanton and in the student’s education. Below, please find some of those opportunities.
The Stanton PTSA – Click here for more information
The School Advisory Committee (SAC)
The responsibility of the School Advisory Council is to provide parents, citizens, faculty, staff, and students an opportunity to participate in the development of educational priorities, assessment of a school’s needs, and identification of local resources.
The functions of School Advisory Council are to assist in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan, and to assist in the preparation of the school budget.
Other broad functions of the School Advisory Council include:
to participate in planning and monitoring of school buildings and grounds;
to initate activities or programs that generate greater cooperation between the community and the school;
to assist in the development of educational goals and objectives;
to recommend various support services and resources;
to assist in the preparation of the accreditation report;
to review the impact of property development and zoning changes in the vicinity of the school as they relate to the safety, welfare and educational opportunities of the students;
to perform any such functions as are prescribed by regulations of the school board;
to perform other functions as requested by the principal.
Stanton’s School Advisory Council (SAC) is comprised of 12 parents, 3 community members, 10 teachers, 3 students, the principal, and 1 support staff. The SAC meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 3:30 – 4:30 pm.