Tardy Referral Procedures
Tardy Policy
1st/5th period: School begins at 8:25am. Students arriving after 8:25am should report to the grand staircase until 8:45am to receive their tardy pass. After 8:45am, students must sign in through the front office.
All other periods: Students have five minutes between classes. After the tardy bell, students have an additional five minutes to receive a tardy from the tardy table located at the grand staircase. Any student tardy beyond five minutes will be considered skipping. These students should report to House Administration.
Third tardy will result in after school detention.
Fourth tardy and beyond results in ISSP and possible referral to attendance intervention team.
*Refusal to attend or participate in other previously assigned discipline is Code of Conduct violation #2.23. This is considered an intermediate offense and could result in further disciplinary action.
Hall Passes
Students must have a hall pass whenever they are in the hall with the exception of designated class change times. Hall passes give students permission to be out of the classroom or other assigned areas. Students will not be admitted to House Administration without a hall pass from their assigned teacher.