Lavilla Bell Schedules
Daily Bell Schedule
1st/5th Period: 8:25- 9:55
2nd/6th Period: 10:00- 11:30
3rd/7th Period 11:35-1:45
A Lunch 11:35- 12:05
B Lunch 12:08- 12:38
C Lunch 12:41- 1:11
D Lunch 1:14- 1:45
4TH/8TH Period 1:50- 3:20
Early Release Bell Schedule
1st/5th Period 8:25-9:20
2nd/6th Period 9:25-10:20
3rd/7th Period 10:25-12:33
A Lunch 10:25-10:55
B Lunch 10:57- 11:27
C Lunch 11:30- 12:00
D Lunch 12:03-12:33
4th Period 12:38- 1:35
Tardy Policy
Students arriving between 8:20 and 8:45 AM will be issued a tardy pass upon entering the building. Students arriving after 8:45 AM must sign in at the front office.
All other periods: After the tardy bell, students should report to class and teachers will mark the student tardy in FOCUS. Any student tardy beyond 5 minutes will be considered skipping and issued a discipline referral. Please send any notes in for medical appointments to excuse the tardy. Excuse notes can be placed in the box in the main office.
Early Pick-up/ Dismissal
Students may not be checked out after 2:40 pm, (12:45 pm on early release days), so we have adequate time to prepare for afternoon dismissal. Please ensure that students are picked up before these times.