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Tanhee Palmer-Newby
Language Arts, Middle
Lake Shore Middle

Emily Parker
Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSS)
Lake Shore Middle

Debra Peterson
Language Arts, Middle
Lake Shore Middle

Whitney Reddick
ESE Site Coach (CSS)
Lake Shore Middle

Jasmine Reilert
School Health Aide
Lake Shore Middle

Norma Rodriguez-Vazquez
Varying Exceptionalities
Lake Shore Middle

Emily Sala
Physical Therapy
Lake Shore Middle

Monica Satterlee
Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSS)
Lake Shore Middle

Marichal Seymore
Physical Therapy
Lake Shore Middle

La'kishma Shaw
Office Education, Middle
Lake Shore Middle

Kimone Smith
Mathematics, Middle
Lake Shore Middle

Linda Smith
School Office Assistant Guidan
Lake Shore Middle

Tia Smith
Paraprofessional ASD
Lake Shore Middle

Tanielle Stephens
Mathematics, Middle
Lake Shore Middle

Laronda Taylor
Paraprofessional ASD
Lake Shore Middle

Latonya Taylor
Paraprofessional ASD
Lake Shore Middle

Akerini Timmons
Science, Middle
Lake Shore Middle

Alduy Tortoriello
Reading, Middle
Lake Shore Middle

Jenifer Vander Voort
Middle School Secretary
Lake Shore Middle

Shondell Vickers
Science, Middle
Lake Shore Middle