We are still looking for candy donations for our Fall Festival on Friday! If you would like to donate a bag, we would really appreciate it! Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Candy Donations
Get your outfits ready for Red Ribbon Week next week!
about 2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Red Ribbon Week
It's not too late to plan on joining us for our Fall Festival on Friday, October 25th! Use the QR code on the flyer to purchase your wristbands!
about 2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Fall Festival
Spots are filling quickly for our Run Club. Please sign your student up today if they are interested in being a part of our school Run Club!
about 2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Run Club
Our Business Partner, All Star Youth Sports/ Championship Martial Arts is having a Trunk or Treat this Saturday. See the flyer for more information. We hope you can join them for some fun!
about 2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Trunk or Treat
Please join us in wearing orange tomorrow as we support Unity Day!
2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Unity Day
See this flyer for more information about our Sheffie 5K Run Club and how your student can participate!
2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Sheffie 5K Run Club
We look forward to seeing everyone Thursday for dinner and Science Night! Dinner is served at 5:30 and Science Night is from 6:00 - 7:00.
2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Science Night
Jags Win! Just a reminder we will be having some special visitors on Tuesday! Please have your students wear their Jags gear or teal and black!
2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Jacksonville Jaguars
We have exciting news! Please help us celebrate by dressing your students' in their Jaguar gear on Tuesday, October 8th!
2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Jacksonville Jaguars
Good morning! We are accepting copy paper donations. If you are able to help, we would appreciate it! You can drop your donations off at the front office or send them in with your student. Thank you!
2 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Louis Sheffield Elementary
We are ready to welcome students back to Sheffield on Monday, September 30th! We hope everyone is safe from the storm. See you Monday, Panthers!
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Louis Sheffield
Please go to the "Events" tab in Rooms and sign up to help with our PTA Dance for Grades 3-5 on Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 3-5 pm. As always, you must be an approved DCPS Volunteer in order to help out on campus events!. Thank you!
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Disco Ball
Reminder: Tomorrow is Donuts with Dudes! Please see the flyer for more information.
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Donuts with Dudes
If you are able to help volunteer for either of the dances, please email the PTA at: louissheffieldpta@yahoo.com . Remember you must be an approved DCPS volunteer in order to volunteer on campus. Thank you for your help!
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Volunteers Needed
Please click on events and sign up if you can help us with Picture Day tomorrow, even if you can only come for an hour! Remember you need to be an approved DCPS volunteer in order to volunteer on our campus. Thank you!!
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Picture Day
Only a limited amount of spots left for the K-2 Dance on Thursday, you or a loved on will need to join the PTA in order for your student to attend. Please sign up today!
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Louis Sheffield Elementary
Only 24 hours left in our Domino's fundraiser for our PTA! You could win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! Thank you for supporting Sheffield!
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Louis Sheffield Elementary
Please go to the Events Page in Rooms and sign up to help out at Picture Day! Just a friendly reminder, you must be an approved DCPS volunteer before you can help out. Picture Day is Wednesday, September 18th!
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Picture Day
Need dinner ideas for Thursday? Our Patrols are having a Spirit Night at Blaze Pizza. Part of the proceeds from the orders will help support our Patrols! See the flyer for more information!
3 months ago, Louis Sheffield Elementary
Bl;aze Pizza Night