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Camilla Lee
School Office Assistant Office
John E Ford K-8

Shawna Leu
Kindergarten, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Lai'lonni Linder
Paraprofessional Elem (PT)
John E Ford K-8

Milka Llovet
Third Grade, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Deborah Martin
Kindergarten, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Alicia Menendez
Kindergarten, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Shannon Messersmith
Paraprofessional Student Focus
John E Ford K-8

Madelyn Morales-Ruiz
Mathematics, Middle
John E Ford K-8

Susan Morgan
Intellectual Disabilities (SLA
John E Ford K-8

Jennybelle Negron Franceschi
Kindergarten, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Patreace Northrup
Physical Education, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Lisa Paul
Fourth Grade, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Staci Pendry
Music, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Ailanie Perez Hernandez
Paraprofessional Elem (PT)
John E Ford K-8

Jacqueline Peter
Science, Middle
John E Ford K-8

Nadja Pope
Paraprofessional Elem (PT)
John E Ford K-8

Nyla Pope
Paraprofessional Elem (PT)
John E Ford K-8

Dorothy Powell
Second Grade, Elem
John E Ford K-8

Yvonne Pressley
Paraprofessional Elem (PT)
John E Ford K-8

Barbara Quintero
Foreign Language, Middle
John E Ford K-8