Parent Conferences
We encourage you to get to know your child’s teacher. Parents are invited to make appointments with the teacher or principal by calling the school. Appointments are needed to ensure that the teacher is available to meet with you and is prepared with the necessary materials and information. Remember, no conferences can be held while students are in class during instructional hours. Please contact your child's teacher to determine availability for conferences.
Volunteer Opportunities
We invite you to share some of your time and talents at school by becoming a school volunteer. You can be involved in a wide variety of programs and events or as a classroom volunteer. Please complete the volunteer sign-up process by clicking HERE and check your approval status by contacting the front office personnel. It is required to always sign in when entering the school building.
Jax Beach Elementary partners with the Friends of Jacksonville Beach Elementary Parent Teacher Organization. The FOJBE PTO plans programs and activities throughout the year to meet the needs of the "whole child" within the school community. This organization provides educational events for our students and families, social events, cultural assemblies and conducts a wide variety of service activities. Information about membership is enclosed in the back-to-school packet. You can visit our website by clicking HERE.
School Advisory Council
The JBE School Advisory Council is a group comprised of parents, teachers, and community members. A SAC is required by state law in every public school in Florida and serves to provide input and advice on many items from the school budget to the School Improvement Plan. School Advisory Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 a.m. in the Media Center. All are welcome to attend! Visit the JBE School Advisory Council website by clicking HERE.
Extended Day
Morning Extended Day is offered from 7:00 AM until 8:00 AM. After-school Extended Day is offered from 3:10 PM until 6:00 PM. All registration information can be found by clicking HERE.