Contact Us

Keep in Touch FCHS Contact Information

First Coast High School (#265)

590 Duval Station Road
Jacksonville, FL 32218 

(904) 757-0080 (Main)
(904) 696-8721 (Main Office/School Fax Number)
(904) 348-5314 (Guidance Fax Number) 

School Hours - 7:15 am - 2:00 pm 


Dr. Ronnie Williams, Principal
Dr. Ronnie Williams 904-757-0080 ext. 999902

Dr. Michael Smith, Assistant Principal
Email Dr. Michael Smith 904-757-0080 ext. 999913

Ms. Reina Kimbrough, Assistant Principal
Email Ms. Reina Kimbrough 904-757-0080 ext. 999912

Mr. Yvon Joinville, Assistant Principal & Title IX Coordinator
Email Mr. Yvon Joinville phone 904-757-0080 ext. 999911 

Mrs. Lacie Hubler, Assistant Principal
Email Lacie Hubler phone 904-757-0080 ext. 999914

 Guidance Office  

Mrs. Bishop, Records & Registration
Email Mrs. Bishop, (904) 757-0080 ext. 999905

Ms. Clarke, Data Entry Clerk
Email Ms. Clarke, (904) 757-0080 ext. 999909

Ms. Freeney, Attendance Clerk
Email Ms. Freeney,  (904) 757-0080 ext. 999925

Mrs. Weinmann, School Counselor, 11th-12th grade, Last Name H-O
Email Mrs. Weinmann(904) 757-0080 ext. 999921

Ms. Young, School Counselor, 11th-12th grade, Last Name A-G
Email Ms. Young(904) 757-0080 ext. 999924

Mrs. Pearce, School Counselor, 9th-10th grade, Last Name Li-Z
Email Mrs. Pearce, 904-757-0080 x1265999927 

Mrs. Whitehead, School Counselor, 11th-12th grade, Last Name P-Z
Email Mrs. Whitehead, (904) 757-0080 ext. 999922

Ms. Tillman, School Counselor, 9th-10th grade, Last Name A-Le
Email Ms. Tillman, 904-757-0080 ext. 999923

PTA President: Pam Johnston

SAC Chairperson: Jeanne Smith

Board Member: The Honorable Darryl Willie, Email Darryl Willie(904) 390-2000

Region Superintendent of Alternative and High Schools: Mr. Timothy Simmons, Email Mr. Timothy Simmons (904) 390-2030

Webmaster: Lindsey Blazek, Email Lindsey Blazek