Greetings Parents and Guardians!
Wow! It's December already! Here are our weekly updates!
The PTA Dinsmore Holiday Shoppe opens tomorrow!
Starting Tuesday, December 3rd, students in grades K-2 will begin FAST testing. To help your child perform their best, please ensure they get a good night's sleep before test days. If they are not eating breakfast at school, please provide them with a nutritious breakfast at home to start the day strong. Let’s work together to set our students up for success—they’re ready to knock this assessment out of the park!
Important Dates
December 2
1. November Green Party
December 3
1. FAST ELA Testing K-2
December 4
1. FAST Math Testing K-2
2. 5th Grade River X Fieldtrip
December 2-6
1. PTA Holiday Shoppe
December 5
1. Student of the Month Celebration at 1:45
December 10
1. Winter Musical 6pm
December 12
1. 4th Grade fieldtrip to The Nutcracker
2. DMA 2- 5th Grade Science
December 17
1. Spelling Bee
2. Fall Picture Makeups and Retakes
December 18
1. Early Release
Have an amazing week everyone!