Greetings Parents and Guardians!
Here are our weekly updates!
Thank you for all of your participation with Donuts for Dads. We had a great turnout! Thank you for your support! It truly has a positive impact on our students and their educational journey!
We are thrilled to announce that at the end of this quarter, we will have The Grand Opening of the Dinsmore Dollar Store! The store will open on a quarterly basis throughout the school year. This exciting new initiative will give our students the opportunity to earn Bear Bucks for great behavior and acts of kindness throughout the day. Students will spend their Bear Bucks on a variety of fun and educational items.
To make this store a success, we are reaching out to our wonderful community for support. We are in need of additional trinkets, toys, books, or similar small items to stock our store shelves. If you have any items that you would like to donate, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. Items can be sent in with your child or turned in to the front office. Please send your donations in by September 30th if possible.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and for helping us make the Dinsmore Dollar Store a huge success! We will also be in need of volunteers. Be on the lookout for the volunteer information.
Help keep traffic moving and students safe! Parent volunteers are needed in the morning from 8:00-8:20 a.m. If you are able to assist, please email Mrs. Peterson at Thank you in advance for your support!
It is Hispanic Heritage Month! From September 15th to October 15th, we celebrate the histories, cultures, and amazing contributions from people of Hispanic Heritage!
Parents, the Title IX video will be shown to students sometime this week. Here is a link to review the video in advance if you would like to view it.
Important Dates
September 25
1. Early Release/ Walker dismissal at 1:05/Car rider dismissal at 1:10
2. Boy Scouts Sign Ups at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria
October 1st
1 . Student of the Month Celebration 2:00
2. I-Ready Testing Window Opens for 1st and 2nd. Teachers will provide additional testing days information.
October 8th
1. 3rd Grade Field Trip/Symphony
October 9th
1. Green Party/ Additional details will be provided at a later time.
2. SAC/ Media Center 3:30
October 14th
1. Teachers' Planning Day/No School
Have a wonderful week everyone!