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Here are our weekly updates!

Parents, please remember to download the new DCPS app and connect to Rooms to keep up with important information from your child’s teacher. Many teachers have posted about assignments, assessments, and field trips taking place in the near future.

The New World Reading Program is an awesome program to assist building your child's home library if your child is eligible. Please take some time to review the flyer below. The eligibility criteria is also included in the flyer.

New World Reading FlyerThe link to register is here: https://www.newworldsreading.com/fl/en/home.html

It's still not too late to participate in our Charleston Wrap Fundraiser! Directions on how you can participate is included in the flyer below! Thank you for your participation!

Fundraiser Info

Here are our upcoming testing dates!

FAST Testing Schedule

Important Dates

Sept. 2

  1. No School/ Labor Day

September 19th

  1. Open House

Have a wonderful week everyone!