Activities and Clubs
Community Eligibility Option: Cedar Hills has been approved to participate in the Community Eligibility Option (CEO) program starting in the 2013-14 School Year. This program allows schools with high numbers of low-income children to serve free breakfast and free lunch to all students without collecting school meal applications.
Safety Patrols- Students in 5th grade who have good citizenship and adequate grades are eligible to be a part of the organization to help ensure safety in our school.
Young Ladies & Young Gentleman Club- Students chosen from 4th grade that demonstrate leadership skills and character meet once a week to learn additional life skills that will help them in the future. The group also goes on field trips including to FSCJ, City Council, and more.
Girls Who Code- Girls in grades 4th and 5th grade learn about coding, computer science, and character building. The goal is to introduce them to skills that could guide them towards a career in STEM.
Full Service Program- a complement of services afforded to students and their families in school and at home.Please contact the office or guidance counselor to learn more.