Making History Come Alive. Highlights of Teaching Black History within Team Duval

Jan. 31, 2020– Duval County Public Schools recognizes and celebrates black history throughout the year. As we embark on the month of February when black history is recognized nationally, the district is showcasing how Black History is coming alive in the classroom.

This includes a host of events throughout the district such as Black History Month wax museums, door decorating and poster contests, African-American artwork galleries, and dress-up days as iconic historical figures. There will be performances at the Ritz Theatre, student pageants, and Black History Month Extravaganzas throughout the district’s campuses.

Students will also learn about giving back, with one school participating in collecting 2,020 non-perishable items that will be donated to families in need or a local charity.

In the classrooms, teachers throughout the district have specialized lessons. The meaning of blaxploitation; oral history of experiences of African-Americans in the healthcare system; and communication through music from Africa to America are just some of the ways classes are digging deep into history.

Team Duval will be traveling to different schools throughout the month to showcase the instructional excellence happening during Black History Month.

Also, did you know that Duval County Public Schools earned an “Exemplary School District” designation from the state’s African American History Task? This designation recognizes the district’s commitment to teaching African-American history and providing professional development and resources to educators.