Use the search field above to filter by staff name.

Robert Yown
Station 3 Plumbing

Natalya Yudenko
Paraprofessional Elem
Bartram Springs Elementary

Linda Zabala
Paraprofessional ESOL High
Atlantic Coast High School

Amanda Zagrodny
School Counselor, High
Mandarin High

Bradley Zalud
Athletic Coach
Coaches Only

Valerie Zambelli
Physical Education, Elem
Bartram Springs Elementary

Traci Zamor
Career & Technical Education

Edgar Zamudio
Foreign Language, High
Atlantic Coast High School

Nakiesha Zanders
Physical Therapy
Woodland Acres Elementary

William Zanders
Physical Therapy
Bridge To Success Academy Middle

Raquel Zapata
Athletic Coach
Coaches Only

Emerald Zaronias
Extended Day I (PT)
Venetia Elementary

Hector Zayas
Athletic Coach
Coaches Only

Daniel Zedaker
Science, High
Englewood High

Julianna Zegarelli
Language Arts, High
Terry Parker High

Angela Zeigler
Adaptive Physical Education (S
Jean Ribault High

Cathy Zelaya
Extended Day I (PT)
Bartram Springs Elementary

Bryan Zelski
School Counselor, Middle
Kernan Blvd Middle

Lottie Zember
Hospital/Homebound Program

Jane Zentko
Executive Director
District Food Service