Student Activities Center
Club Meeting Calendar
Always double-check with your club sponsor to make sure no changes have been made! Email Mr. Fiore to update your club meetings on this calendar.
Wolfson Clubs & Student Groups

Leadership clubs and student groups focus on helping students to build team-building and leadership skills, as well as skills that foster a spirit of inclusiveness. These groups are focused to help students develop skills within the stem, non-profit, geo-political, and business fields.
Black Student Union
Generation Wow
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Future Business Leaders of America
Gay Straight Alliance
Raiders (JROTC)
Senior Fellows
Student Government Association

Service groups offer students the chance to form meaningful friendships while making a difference in their community and gaining first-hand experience with various fascinating volunteer opportunities. Students in service groups are able to earn community service hours that are able to count towards their graduation and scholarship requirements.
Best Buddies
Environmental Club

Honor societies are nationally recognized groups that offer recognition to students who have worked above and beyond within certain subject areas. Wolfson participates in a variety of accredited honor societies across the curriculum, including core areas of studies and the arts. Membership within an honor society is by invitation only and will often provide students with eligibility for additional scholarships.
National Honor Society
Mu Alpha Theta: National Math Honor Society
National Art Honor Society
Rho Kappa: National History Honor Society

Student groups in the arts & performances are available at a variety of performance abilities. There are competitive groups, performance-based groups and clubs that are open to all who are interested in the arts.
Drama Club
Dance Ensemble

Wolfson students can start a club based on just about any shared interest they have, so long as they have a sponsor and there is a clear mission that brings students together in a positive way. Many student groups are based on a shared interest that is as varied and unique as our student body. Sometimes this is an interest in engineering and robotics, and sometimes this means an interest in running a marathon.
Active Minds
Brain Brawl
Chess Club
Debate Team
Latin Club
Model United Nations & Great Decisions
Marathon High
Pep Club
Science Club
Life Skills Club
Spanish Club
Table Tennis Club
Table Top Club
Surf Club
Wolfson Connections: Mentoring Club
Whisktakers: Baking Club

To start a new club at Wolfson, the first step is to find a faculty member who would be interested in sponsoring the club. Discuss what you would hope to gain out of the club, how often you'd like to meet, and how the club could be structured. The club sponsor will then locate the "New club" packet on the activities team page. They can also get help with this step from Mr. Fiore, our activities director. Start talking with friends who may be interested in joining your club. You need to have at least 5 members to get started!
All clubs will need to have:
By laws
You and your sponsor will turn in all of this paperwork to Mr. Fiore and wait for approval before having your first meeting.