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Arrival and Dismissal

 In an effort to make both arrival and dismissal safer for you and your child, we will be enforcing the following procedures.


For arrival, please do not pull into the driveway of the faculty parking lot to drop of your child.  This process is unsafe and is not a monitored crossing area.  While proceeding through the car line each morning, please continue to pull forward to a patrol.  Dropping off further back in line, slows down the flow of our line.  Thank you for your cooperation. 

 Please be sure to have your children here no later than 8:30 every day!


Dismissal will not begin until 2:50, so please refrain from coming to the office and calling for your children early. 

  •  Car Riders- Please obtain a yellow car rider card and proceed through the car line.  

  • Gate A- If you walk up at dismissal, we ask that you line up by the gate by the cafeteria. Your child will be dismissed as  "Gate A" at 2:50 and will meet you by that gate.  

The choice of dismissal is yours, we just ask that you choose a way, notify your child’s teacher, and stick to your choice.  We love and appreciate our parents but your child’s safety is our number one priority.    Thank you again for your cooperation and support of our dismissal procedures.  

 According to the 2016-2017 Code of Conduct, schools “are not responsible for supervising students who arrive on school property 30 or more minutes before school, or for students who remain on school property 30 or more minutes after school or school-sponsored activities end.”