Morning Arrival Procedures
Students should not arrive to school prior to 8:00 am unless enrolled in Extended Day Morning
Session or a school sponsored club.
Walkers and Bike riders please be sure to cross only at the cross walks with the Crossing Guards.
It is very important for students to arrive to school on time to receive full instruction. If students are not in the classroom by 8:30, they will be marked tardy.
Car Rider Dismissal System
In order to ensure the safety of all car riders, we will implement a new system for students. The Car Rider Dismissal System will be implemented on the 1st day of school.
Students will be issued a car tag. Display in the dash of your vehicle.
Students will be seated in the cafeteria by grade-level with supervising teachers.
As parents arrive in their cars, students will be called to their cars. (Please remain in cars to ensure the car line goes swiftly.)
Bus Riders are called to the bus loop as the buses arrive.
Walkers are dismissed at 3pm
Early Release dismissal time begins at 1:30pm