Academic Programs and Academies
Sandalwood is home to several academies and additional types of specialized education...
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
Sandalwood is an AVID National Demonstration School and School of Distinction. Our AVID system provides support and a family like environment to enrolled students. Students are trained to become the well-rounded applicants for which colleges are searching for. AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
AFJROTC (Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps)
Sandalwood’s AFJROTC is an Award Winning, 1st in State, Program. The USAF AFJROTC program promotes the core values of “Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do”. The AFJROTC program strives to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. Sandalwood’s USAF AFJROTC program is open to all students as an elective program.
Culinary Arts
The Culinary Arts Program is a 45-year-old program with a completely redesigned commercial kitchen. The Culinary Arts program consists of a four-year track utilizing the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation ProStart program. This program unites classroom instruction with industry standards. Sandalwood’s Culinary Arts Program develops the best and brightest talent to lead tomorrow’s restaurant and food service industry.
Early College Dual Enrollment Program
Early College is an accelerated dual enrollment program that provides motivated students, who are working at or above grade level, an opportunity to earn their high school diploma and college associate degree simultaneously. Partnering with FSCJ to offer both A.A. and A.S. degree programs.
Engineering Academy
Sandalwood's Engineering Academy offers students an intro to engineering course, principles of engineering course, and a look at architecture and aerospace engineering in two courses.
Fine Arts Program
Sandalwood’s Fine Arts program includes both 2D and 3D art courses such as 2D-Studio Art 1, 2 and 3, Ceramics 1, 2 and 3 and Sculpture 1, 2, and 3. These courses also meet the state requirements for graduation. The department offers these courses at both a beginning level, and an advanced level allowing students to earn an honors credit during their third year of completion. Art classes teach hands-on studio skills, as well an understanding of art history and its relevance today. Students are invited to compete in a variety of competitions throughout the county to showcase their art.
Performing Arts Program
Sandalwood’s performing arts program is essential to the growth and development of the whole child. Our Performing Arts programs offers amazing opportunities in Instrumental Music, Choral Music, and Theatre. Students have the opportunity to participate in some of Duval’s finest performing groups which helps foster creativity, community, and expression. No matter the level of experience or accomplishment, there is always a place for every student. Performing Arts is where the “action” is at in High School!
Sandalwood Academy of Information Technology
The Sandalwood Academy of Information Technology offers an Information Technology track that begins with Digital Information Technology and progresses into more intensive, innovative instruction in Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles, Digital Design, Digital Photography and Web Design. Our carefully crafted I.T. track allows students to explore the rapidly changing technology industry by understanding its fundamentals and real-world applications. Students are offered the opportunity to earn industry certifications, which set participants apart from their peers when applying for jobs and colleges.