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Student Expectations for Teams Successful Video Meetings

1. Be prepared with any materials requested by your teacher and join the meeting on time.

2. Turn off video and mute your microphone before joining a video meeting.

3. Keep your microphone muted and video off until you are asked to speak.

4. Use the Chat to ask questions or make comments. Use appropriate language, emojis or GiFs and ensure all posts are respectful.

5. If you use video, remember you are in class, please behave appropriately. When speaking, look into the camera of your device.

6. Actively participate in the video meeting. Use emojis such as thumbs up in the chat, or nod when others are talking.

Digital Citizenship Reminders

  • Remember! Behind every profile picture or avatar is a real person with real feelings, who should be treated with dignity and respect

  • Think before you post! Whether participating in a video meeting or a private chat consider your comments; are they true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind?

  • Build a positive Digital Footprint, remember that your posts, including content you share and comments you make, as well as replies, and likes leave behind a trail forming your online reputation

  • Be an upstander, do not respond to, and report any inappropriate comments or posts to your parent / guardian and Teacher

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