Blue Graphic Banner

Students who are NOT enrolled in the SOAR- Before and After School Program, are NOT to be on campus prior to 9:00 AM or after 4:30 PM as school personnel are not available to supervise students.

SOAR students will go directly to the cafeteria to sign in. 

Car riders are to be dropped off at the BACK of the school off of Kernan Blvd

Students must remain in the vehicle or outside the yellow gates until 8:45a.

Car riders are picked up in the FRONT of Kernan Blvd or the BACK of the school off of Abess Blvd.

All walkers and bike riders will use the FRONT enterence for both arrival and at dismissal.  

Upon arrival at school, all students must have their school-issued ID.  Breakfast will be available for students to pick up and take to their 1st period classroom.  Students who are in band, chorus, and PE will meet in the cafeteria.

  • Classes begin at 9:30 AM

  • School dismisses at 4:15 PM

Early Check-Out Procedures:

Students cannot be checked out from school after 3:30 p.m.

Students who are to be excused early are to bring a note from home to the Main Office with the date and time that they will be picked up. The student will be issued a dismissal pass to give their teacher indicating the time they are to be sent to the Main Office.  It is important that the note is received prior to the start of classes.  Students who are in PE class must show their teacher the dismissal pass when they report to class and the student will be instructed not to dress out and have their belongings with them.
Following these procedures will eliminate unnecessary classroom disruptions and long wait times.

No student will be released early to a minor sibling or to an unauthorized parent, guardian, or adult.