Are you interested in teaching, but don't have an Education Degree? We can help!
Our program allows you to teach with a Bachelor's Degree and a 5-year Temporary Certificate. During your first few years of teaching, you will be able to obtain your Professional Teaching Certificate by completing professional development courses and passing state examinations. Duval County Public Schools has designed the Alternative Certification Program in accordance with Florida Statute Section 1012.56. This program offers professional education preparation through online coursework to newly hired teachers with subject-area expertise. Your combination of career skills, education, and experience will contribute to your success in the classroom.
The Alternative Certification Program (ACP) is for full-time teachers who are paid instructional Duval County employees in a teaching assignment that does not vary from day to day and who need to complete the professional education coursework to partially meet the requirements for a Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate. Teachers must have 1 year of teaching experience and 3 years remaining on a 5 year temporary certificate.
The Alternative Certification Program (ACP)
Designed to develop quality teachers for Florida’s classrooms, the Florida Alternative Certification Program offers professional education preparation via distance learning to newly hired teachers with subject-area expertise. This teacher preparation program is authorized by section 1012.56(8), Florida Statutes. It serves kindergarten through grade 12 classroom teachers who hold a Florida Temporary Educator’s Certificate who must complete professional preparation training in education to meet the requirements for a Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate. Developed to incorporate findings from research literature on effective alternative certification programs, best practices in distance learning, and a legally defensible standards-driven assessment system, the Alternative Certification Program embraces continual quality improvement. Its implementation demonstrates that learning is engaging, meaningful, and ongoing—an educationally sound message for learners of all ages.
This competency-based program is on-the-job training in professional education competencies (the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices or FEAPs) that prepares effective teachers for Duval County Public Schools.
Contact Information
Kathy Range
Email Kathy Range
Fax 904-390-2389
Please contact the Certification Office concerning your certification. The ACP Office cannot advise on out-of-field or certification requirements.