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Applicants and Employees

The Office of Equity and Inclusion/Professional Standards (OEI/PS) accepts requests for reasonable accommodation from qualified applicants and employees. Accommodation may be requested due to disability, pregnancy, or religion.

Reasonable accommodation is any change in the work environment or in the way things are customarily done that enables the applicant or employee to enjoy equal employment opportunities and benefits of employment. The provided accommodation must be reasonable, effective in assisting the individual to complete the essential functions of their job, and must not place a financial or administrative burden on the employer.

Please note: the submission of a request for accommodation and/or supporting documentation to the employee’s supervisor or OEI/PS does not guarantee approval. Determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis using an interactive process. For more information about our interactive process, please contact our office at 904-390-2181 or Email T. Turner.

Parents, Guardians, and Community Members

If you are a DCPS parent, guardian, or community member who would like to request accommodation for a DCPS program, service, or activity, please contact our office at 904-390-2181 or Email T. Turner.