Grand Park students dress well, because a person's appearance makes a difference in how that person is treated by others. Professional dress by our students includes khaki pants and a burgundy polo shirt depicting the Grand Park Educational Center logo.
Student attire must meet the dress code in order to come on campus. An educational campus where all are appropriately attired provides a setting for good behavior, good study habits, and a culture of success.
Student Dress Code
The Dress Code for the Alternative Education Center is mandatory.
Burgundy Polo shirt with Grand Park Educational Center logo. - Polo must remain tucked into pants at all times.
Shirts are available at Grand Park's Front Office during the family's enrollment/orientation.
Each shirt's costs are:
$14.00 (Sizes S - XL)
$16.00 (Sizes XXL)
Student Dress Code – Male and Female
Must be khaki (tan).
Must be full length slacks – no shorts, stretch pants, jeans, cargo pants, skinny jeans, low riders, leggings, painter pants, capris, skorts, or skirts (no pants with extra pockets).
Pants may not be rolled up, rolled at the bottom, or tucked into shoes and socks.
Must be worn up around waist; no baggy or oversized clothing or excessively tight clothing.
Must be worn at all times and must not dangle in front or to the side. Dress style belts only with NO large belt buckles.
Shoes: Tennis shoes or flat dress shoes may be worn (heel must not be over one (1) inch high).
Must be neatly combed and must not touch top of collar.
Jackets: Must button or zip all the way down the front and remain open throughout the day, no hoods on jackets, no long trench-type coats will be allowed.
No hats or caps of any kind may be worn or brought to school.
(Student's enrolled in Physical Education at Grand Park Educational Center are encouraged to wear a solid tee-shirt underneath their uniform.)