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Englewood High School Athletic Training Room

The Englewood Athletic Training Room is located in the new field house- the last door on the south end.

Athletic Training Room Hours

The general hours of the Athletic Training Room vary depending on the season.

  • School Days: 2 P.M.- ?

  • Weekends: Closed

Athletic Training Room Rules

1. Be respectful of everything and everybody.
2. No equipment in the ATR (Athletic Training Room).
3. No cell phones (for medical use only).
4. No shoes/cleats on the treatment tables.
5. To be taped for a game, the athlete must be evaluated by the AT and taped for every practice.

Injury Prevention

Satistics show, more American children are competing in sports than ever before. Known facts, sports help children and adolescents keep their bodies fit and feel good about themselves. However, little did we know, there are some important injury prevention tips that can help parents and athletes to promote a safe, optimal sports experience for their child or themselves.

Risk of Injuries

All sports have a risk of injury. In general, the more contact in a sport, the greater the risk of a traumatic injury. However, most injuries in young athletes are due to overuse.

Most frequent sports injuries are sprains (injuries to ligaments), strains (injuries to muscles), and stress fractures (injury to bone) caused when an abnormal stress is placed on tendons, joints, bones and muscle. In a growing child, point tenderness over a bone should be evaluated further by a medical provider even if there is minimal swelling or limitation in motion. Contact your Primary Physician, Pediatrician, or Athletic Trainer (for Medical Reference/Referral, if needed) if you have additional questions or concerns.   

Sport-Related Emotional Stress is as well a major injury risk in relation to young athletes. The pressure to win can cause significant emotional stress for a child. Sadly, many coaches and parents consider winning the most important aspect of sports. Young athletes should be judged on effort, sportsmanship and hard work. They should be rewarded for trying hard and for improving their skills rather than punished or criticized for losing a game or competition. The main goal should be to have fun and learn lifelong physical activity skills. 

Reducing the Risk of an Injury

Take Time Off: Plan to have at least one day off per week and at least one month off per year from training for a particular sport to allow the body to recover.

Wear the correct Gear: Players should wear appropriate and properly fit protective equipment such as pads (neck, shoulder, elbow, chest, knee, shin), helmets, mouthpieces, face guards, protective cups, and/or eyewear. Young athletes should not assume that protective gear will prevent all injuries while performing more dangerous or risky activities.

Strengthen Muscles: Conditioning exercises during practice strengthens muscles used in play.

Increase flexibility: Stretching exercises after games or practice can increase flexibility. Stretching should also be incorporated into a daily fitness plan.

Use the ProperTechnique: This should be reinforced during the playing season.

Take Breaks: Rest periods during practice and games can reduce injuries and prevent heat illness.

Play Safe: Strict rules against headfirst sliding (baseball and softball), and spearing (football), and checking in hockey should be enforced. Stop the activity if there is pain.

Avoid Heat Injury: Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise or play; decrease or stop practices/competitions during high heat/humidity periods; wear light clothing.

Reference: "2016 Sports Injury Prevention Tip Sheet." 2016 Sports Injury Prevention Tip Sheet. American Academy of Pediatrics, n.d. Web.

Emergency Transport

What To Expect During A Transport

While emergency transports are decided on a need by need basis please understand there are certain protocols the Sports Medicine Team must follow.  Once determined that an emergency transport is needed, here is what to expect:

  • Contact 911 or EMS

  • Contact Parent/ Gaurdian

  • Determine which Parent/ Gaurdian/ Coach will ride in EMS with student-athlete

  • Determine which hospital the student-athlete will be transported to Englewood High School EMS Team

During home football games, Englewood High School has a team of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's) who assist in medical coverage.  Englewood High School is currently  working with Liberty Ambulance Service.  

Visiting Team Information

Dear Visiting Athletic Team and/or Athletic Trainer:

Outdoor Facility (Athletic Training Room): The outdoor Athletic Training room is located in Englewood's Field House, adjacent to both baseball/softball and football field fields.  If the team is traveling without an athletic trainer, our staff will be able to provide all pre-game taping and treatment. Prior notification should be given by the visiting teams' athletic trainer in advance if the team is not traveling with an athletic trainer. Taping will be performed only if the visiting team supplies the tape.

Indoor Facility: Currently Englewood does not have an indoor facility (meaning near the gynmasium).  The athletic trainer has a small set up station for each home event.  If the visiting team is traveling without an athletic trainer, we are available to provide all pre-taping and treatments. Each team should bring their own taping supplies. Prior notification should be given by the visiting teams' athletic trainer in advance if the team is not traveling with an athletic trainer. 

Rules of Facility:  If the visiting team (for outdoor sports) is not traveling with an athletic trainer, and would like to get taped, they must report to the Outdoor Facility at least one hour prior to their game or competition. Englewood's Athletic Trainer will not go to the Facility Room for pre-game treatments or taping for visiting teams during warm-ups or conditioning prior to the game starting, unless visiting team shows up late to the game.  If the visiting team for indoor sports is traveling without an athletic trainer, and would like services provided by the hosting athletic trainer, the athletes/ team should find the set up station in the gymnasium.

Supplies:  For games and events, visiting teams MUST travel with coolers and cups/bottles. Visiting teams are allowed to fill coolers with ice and/or water (in Outdoor Athletic Training Facility), and ONLY water (for indoor events) approximately ONE hour prior to games or events starting. Emergency supplies can be obtained from the Athletic Trainer covering the event.

 Ambulance Service: Englewood Athletic Department is currently in the works of changing ambulance services which will be contracted for every home jv/varsity football game. In case of transport, the abmulance service will transport to the best suited hospital for each injury. In case of an emergency and/or transport at any home event that isn't football at englewood, the athletic trainer or coach will call 911 and Jacksonville fire rescue department will respond in response of an emergency. Visiting spectators will be transported by ambulance service, if he/she is the student athletes parent or legal guardian. In case that parent or legal gaurdian is not present, coaching staff is responsible for sending a coach, assistant coach, or administrator with the athlete to the hospital due to the liability of the athlete.

Hospital: Depending on the injury and age will depend on the hospital.

Orthopedic Physicians: An orthopedic physician is scheduled to be at all HOME Varsity Football games depending on availability.

Once again, we welcome you to Englewood High School Athletic Event. If you have any further questions or if we may assist you in any way please contact us.


Englewood Athletic Training Department

Head Athletic Trainer
Blake Mace, MS, ATC, LAT
Englewood High School
4412 Barnes Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Email Blake Mace

Information for Parents and Athletes

Dear Parents and Athletes of the Englewood Community:

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Englewood Athletic Training Program. Below are brief descriptions for parents and athletes to understand the roles and responsbilities of the Englewood Athletic Training Program.

Athletic Trainer: Englewood High School employs one full time athletic trainer. This individual is licensed by the state of Florida and is certified by the Board of Certification. The athletic trainer is here to ensure student athletes of this high school have the utmost care when it comes to their athletic injuries. The athletic trainer will actively participate in the prevention, treatment, and care of any athletic injury that occurs to your child during the course of their participation in athletics. Every attempt will be made by our athletic trainer to be in attendance for all high school athletic events.

Medical Referals: If in the unfortunate event your child will need a medical referral to a doctor either the athletic trainer or coaching staff will contact you to let you know. As your child’s parent, you are free to take your child to whichever doctor that you choose. From time to time there will be local doctors on site during Englewood's athletic games or competition. If your child becomes injured and is evaluated by a doctor at the event site, you are not obligated to continue your child’s treatment with this doctor if further medical treatment is warranted. If and when your child is seen by a doctor for an injury or illness he/she are to bring a note from that doctor stating their activity level for both practices and games. This note is to be given to our athletic trainer at the high school or the student athlete’s coaches. Once the note is received stipulating an amount of time for restricted/no athletic activity, it will be followed by Englewood's Athletic Training Department Protocol. If you as a parent would like a second opinion regarding your child’s medical condition, you are free to do so. Englewood's Athletic Training Department asks that if you seek a second opinion that it be from a similar type or more specialized doctor.

EXAMPLE: The student athlete is held out of activity by an orthopedist. To be released to full activity one of two things needs to happen. Either the amount of time specified by the doctor’s note elapses, or the student athlete is released by another orthopedist.

It is important to remember that we as athletic trainers have the student athlete’s best interest in mind. We will not make a decision to allow a child to play if we feel like it will jeopardize his/her's health simply to give their team a better chance to win.  Please note: the athletic trainer has the FINAL say in participation, meaning they can overrule a doctor's clearence if 1. the athletic trainer feels the safety of the athlete will be jeopardized OR 2. the athlete is not following the policies and procedures mandated by FHSAA, Englewood's Athletic Training Policy and Procedures, etc.

Athletic Training Room Procedures: The athletic training room will open every afternoon that school is held at 2:00 PM (Monday through Friday) as determined by events. Any student athlete who has a new or existing injury is expected to be here at that time to be evaluated by our athletic trainer. After the initial evaluation, the student athlete may need to perform rehabilitative exercises to improve the condition of their injury. If a student athlete is unable to come at 2:00 PM or for treatment, he/she need to make arrangements with the athletic trainer for an alternative time. All rules for the athletic training room are posted for all student athletes, their parents, and Englewood's staff to see. They are to be adhered to if the student athlete is to receive treatment for their injuries.

Required Paperwork: The Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) requires that all athletes have a valid pre-participation physical to practice and play. Englewood's Athletic Department, with the help of local medical professionals hosts a free physical day for every new and returning athletes each year in July. If a student athlete does not get his/her physical at that time they will be expected to get it on their own at their own expense.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your child’s physical condition please do not hesitate to contact our Athletic Trainer via email.

Blake Mace, MS, ATC, LAT 

Head Athletic Trainer
Englewood High School
4412 Barnes Road 
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Email Blake Mace