The purpose of this Compact is to set expectations for Duval Virtual Instructional Academy (DVIA) parents/Learning Coaches. Your child’s educational success, a primary goal of DVIA, can only be achieved if you understand your key role in following the curricular and attendance requirements below.
My role, which is vital for my student’s academic achievement, is valued and respected among administrators, teachers, staff, and volunteers at DVIA.
I believe that my student has the ability to grow academically.
I will abide by DVIA’s policies and procedures as outlined in the DVIA School handbook.
I will maintain continuous Internet service and make sure my student has daily access to participate in the school.
I understand that the Duval Virtual Instruction Academy program includes the Edgenuity curriculum, periodic assessments, Teams, and other instructional tools, specific to my student’s academic requirements. I understand that students will be required to attend and participate in live, virtual sessions on a daily basis. I will actively supervise my student while participating in the DVIA academic program. Learning Coach guidance is essential for students in the K-8 program and needed on a regular basis in high school.
My student is enrolled in a public school and must meet the state attendance requirements. Students in grades K -3 require a minimum of 720 hours, and students in grades 4-12 require 900 hours per year. To reach my student’s academic goals, average daily attendance may range from 5 hours (K-3) to 8 hours (4th grade through high school).
As the Learning Coach, I am responsible for accurately monitoring attendance and progress in my student’s Online Classes. Insufficient hours recorded in the system over time is a truancy issue and could result in my student’s removal from DVIA.
My student will participate in all required state achievement and diagnostic testing. It is my responsibility to provide transportation to and from the test site(s). Testing dates are determined by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) and will be provided to you in a timely manner.
I will actively engage with DVIA staff by participating in conferences, reading email on a daily basis, submit requested assignments, and attend face-to-face (F2F) activities throughout the year, including state testing, and IEP meetings (if applicable.) If I have designated another person to act as Learning Coach for my student, I will conference jointly with the Learning Coach and DVIA teacher(s).
I will work with and treat administrators, teachers, staff, and volunteers professionally, understanding that staff must follow set schedules and policies.
Failure to follow the school’s program requirements may result in my student’s removal from Duval Virtual Academy.