Arriving at School
Parents who wish to drop off their student(s) early may enroll them in the Soar program. You can enroll for extended day morning care on the DCPS website.
Note that students may not be admitted onto campus prior to 9:15am with the exception of clubs, sports, tutoring or Soar.
After School Student Pick-up
To alleviate the traffic congestion as parents pick up students, we are going to designate two zones based upon student grade level. 7th and 8th grade students will be picked up in the car circle on 18th Avenue North by the school gymnasium. 6th graders should be picked up in the Seagate Avenue lot. If you have students in multiple grade levels, please use the 18th Avenue North pick-up area. Please be advised that 3rd Street is not a designated pick-up area, and you will be cited for a moving violation.
Please follow these guidelines to minimize traffic and maximize student safety:
Multiple lanes will be set up in both areas. Please pull up to the front of the lane.
Do not stop in the middle of the parking lot or in the street to allow students to enter your
car. Student safety is more important than convenience.Do not block Seagate Avenue by stopping in the street since the buses must be able to get
in to the bus circle.Please arrive on time. All students should be picked up no later than 4:30 p.m. If you have an emergency, please contact the main office at 247-5929 so your student will not be waiting in the pick-up area.