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Welcome to Duval County Public Schools’ official social media page(s) managed by the Duval County Public Schools Communications Department or designee at the school level.
These social media pages are intended to provide updated information and discussion on the activities at Duval County Public Schools and its affiliated schools/departments. Please visit our official homepage.
While this is an open forum, it is also a family-friendly one, so please be mindful of your comments and posts. Comments and posts that do not follow these guidelines will be removed:
Graphic, obscene, explicit, or racial comments or submissions are not permitted; nor do we allow comments that may be found to rise to the level of abusive, hateful, or defamatory of anyone or any organization.
Solicitations or advertisements from third-parties are prohibited. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial, or non-governmental agency who is not an immediate partner of Duval County Public Schools. Similarly, comments or posts attempting to defame or defraud any financial, commercial, non-governmental or other agency are prohibited.
Comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity are prohibited.
Apparent spam will be removed, and may cause the author(s) to be blocked from the page without notice.
Participation is at your own risk. You are personally responsible for your comments, your username and any information provided. Any personal or sensitive information (phone numbers, email, or postal addresses) provided will be public record.
Classified, pre-decisional, proprietary, or business-sensitive information should never be discussed here. Do not post personnel lists, rosters, organization charts or directories. This is not only a violation of privacy but may subject the individual to discipline and/or civil liability under Florida and federal laws.
The appearance of external links or "Liked" pages on this site does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of Duval County School Board or the District.
You are encouraged to quote, republish, or share any content on this page on your own blog, web site or other communication/publication. If you do so, please credit the school or the person who authored the content as a courtesy (photo or article byline can be Duval County Public Schools or Principal Smith at Mandarin Middle School, for example).