Probation Application
Edward Waters University (EWU), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ), or any other postsecondary institution dual enrollment participants who earn a grade of D, F, W, I, or are dropped for nonattendance in any dual enrollment course throughout their dual enrollment academic career may not continue in dual enrollment with any postsecondary partner and are not eligible for future participation in dual enrollment through any postsecondary partner. (Note: Students are only dropped for nonattendance by professors on the College campus at FSCJ to students taking courses on the College campus who have not met the attendance requirement.)
Early College/Early Admission students who earn an unsatisfactory grade during their dual enrollment academic career are no longer eligible for Early College/Early Admission.
Students who have earned a single unsatisfactory grade of D, F, W, I, or are dropped for nonattendance who wish to continue in dual enrollment under probationary status as a Traditional Dual Enrollment student if they meet all other eligibility requirements may complete a probation application at the link below. Students with more than a single unsatisfactory grade may not continue in Traditional Dual Enrollment through any postsecondary partner.
For students taking courses on an FSCJ campus (or through any other postsecondary institution): It is important that students check their unofficial transcript grades daily by logging in to their myFSCJ account (NOT Canvas). Grades are posted by 11:59 PM on the date posted by the postsecondary institution. If a student had to withdraw from a course or earned a final grade of D, F, or were dropped for nonattendance and wish to take dual enrollment courses next semester, he/she must complete the probation application. This also applies to students that have earned an unsatisfactory grade in previous semesters who have not previously completed a probation application.
For students taking courses through any other postsecondary institution, it is important that they check their unofficial transcript grades daily and complete the probation application if they have earned an unsatisfactory grade and wish to take courses next semester.
For students taking courses through EWU, ERAU, or FSCJ on the high school campus: Students are responsible for monitoring their grades in Focus and communicating with their teacher. If they have withdrawn from a course or earned a final grade of a D or F they must submit the attached application if he/she wishes to take courses next semester. This also applies to students that have earned an unsatisfactory grade in previous semesters who have not previously completed a probation application.
Probation applications must be submitted by the student NO LATER THAN 11:59 PM on June 15th/December 15th. Deadlines are firm, no exceptions will be made.
Students MUST use their DCPS username and password to access the Microsoft Form. Probation applications submitted by someone other than the student will not be processed. If a student experiences issues accessing the form, he/she should clear their browsing data/history/cache and/or use a different device. (Probation applications submitted by someone other than the student, DCPS school-based personnel or a parent/guardian with a DCPS account, will not be accepted.)
A decision notification will be sent to the student's DCPS email address by June 30th/January 10th.
If a student submits an application and it is approved, he/she will be limited to no more than two (2) courses with preference being to repeat the course in which he/she earned the grade of D, F, or W. This means that Early College and Early Admission students who receive approval to continue will be able to continue as a Traditional Dual Enrollment student (not an Early College or Early Admission student) under probationary status and will be limited to 1-2 courses.
Click Link for the DCPS Microsoft Form: Probation Application
FSCJ Academic Appeals
Any student that has earned an unsatisfactory grade and believes that he/she has good cause to request a grade appeal. The student may submit the attached form (also always available in Teams). The appeal process can be found in the attached FSCJ student handbook beginning on page 30. The correctly completed appeal form and required materials should be submitted to Matt Wetzel (Email Matt Wetzel) and the student should the schools high school Dual Enrollment Coordinator, the school’s designated FSCJ Dual Enrollment Coordinator, and Keisha Epps (Email Dual Enrollment) on the submission of the appeal.
Please note: An academic appeal must be submitted no later than the A15 session or the longest session withdrawal date of the following term. The session withdrawal deadlines are listed on the term’s academic calendar at fscj.edu. It takes approximately 6-8 weeks for academic appeals to be processed by FSCJ. Decision notifications are sent to the student's FSCJ email address.