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Q. What is the age requirement for a vendor badge?

A. 18 years old or older before the date of application/registration for a vendor badge.

Q. Why do I need a badge?

A. The Jessica Lunsford Act was signed into legislation in the state of Florida in 2005. For more information, follow the link provided here

Q. Who needs a badge?

A. All vendors who receive payment for services rendered to the school district are required under F.S 1012.467 to complete a Level 2 background screening check.

Q. Where do I go to get a badge?

A. The Duval County School District uses an online fingerprint provider called Fieldprint. To register and request a badge, please follow the link here. .  You will need the codes below to obtain badges. 

If the correct Fieldprint code is not used, the district will not receive your fingerprint results and you will have to pay again to obtain a badge.

Fingerprinting Fieldprint Code:                  

  • FPDCPSV (New vendor / Expired Badge) 

Badge Only Fieldprint code:      

  • FPDCPSVB (if you have a current fieldprint Duval County badge and need replacement) 

FSSR Badge Only Fieldprint code:      

  • FPDCPSVFSSRBadge (if you already have a statewide badge and need replacement 

FSSR Registration Fieldprint code:     

  • FPDCPSVFSSR (if you already have a statewide badge but need to register in Duval County)

Q. When will I get my badge?

A. Badges are issued when the applicant completes a background check and is cleared to work. Before the badge is issued, Form I-9 is required from the applicant’s employer to prove the applicant’s employment eligibility to work. Form I-9 is sent to the school district. It is not to be taken to the location where you are to be fingerprinted.

Once all documentation is received by the School Police Department Annex at 7100 Powers Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32217 the badge will be processed and delivered to the School Police Department in 10-14 days. Please call 904-858-6100 before you come to pick up your badge to confirm that it has been delivered.

Q. Why was I denied a badge?

A. If the vendor's background check shows an arrest charge, but did not have adequate information which would indicate how the arrest charges were resolved by the court, a letter will be sent to the vendor to provide necessary documentation of the arrest charge.  A badge will not be issued until a favorable disposition is received.

  • If the vendor is convicted of a disqualifying offense, they will not receive a badge to work on school district property.

  Disqualifying offenses include violations of Florida Statutes:

943.0435(1)(a)1;  393.135394.4593;  775.30;  782.04;  787.01;  826.04;  and 827.03.

No refunds will be given if the vendor does not meet the qualifications for a badge. 

Q. How much does a badge cost?

A. The cost of a badge is $83.75 and this includes the fingerprinting and badge. The badge will automatically expire 5 years from the date of the initial fingerprinting. 

The cost of a replacement badge is $10.00.

Q. Why do I have to do this every 5 years?

A. When the vendor is fingerprinted, his/her results are in the Florida Shared School Results System (FSSR) for 5 years.  Once the 5 years are up, the fingerprint results are automatically purged.  Each vendor must re-apply so that their information is once again entered into the system.  The FSSR is the resource all districts use to verify eligibility to work on school district property, and alerts if a vendor is arrested.

Q. What if I have a statewide badge?

A. If a vendor receives a Florida Statewide badge from another school district, they will have to register with the Duval County School District that they already have a badge.  The vendor’s results will be reviewed and the vendor must provide a photo copy of their statewide badge and a valid Form I-9 verifying eligibility to work.  There is no cost to register with the Duval County School District because you already have a statewide badge.

Q. Where can I find the instructions to complete this process?

A. Click the link here for complete instructions on obtaining a Vendor Badge for Duval County and the link here for registration.

The items that will be required for the fingerprinting process are listed in the instructions. It includes the types of identification, payment, and the fingerprinting locations.  


For more information, please contact Yvonne Downer

Office: 904-858-3521

Fax:    904-858-3539

Email Yvonne Downer

Vendor Badge pick-up is located at:

Duval County School Police (Annex)

7100 Powers Avenue

Jacksonville, FL 32217