DCPS Statement Regarding Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policies
Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) believes that education should be provided in an atmosphere where differences are understood and appreciated, and where all persons are treated fairly and with respect – free from discrimination, harassment and threats of violence or abuse. In addition, intimidation, threats, coercion or retaliation are strictly prohibited against anyone who asserts a right protected by civil rights laws (i.e., files a complaint). Anyone who believes s/he has been intimidated or retaliated against as a result of filing a complaint or being involved in any way with an investigation conducted by the District’s Office of Equity and Inclusion can file a complaint with that office.
DCPS has policies and procedures in place to protect its employees, students, and anyone associated with the District from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, or retaliation. It prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, gender, age, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, and veteran status. The full civil rights School Board policies can be found in CHAPTER 10.0 – Anti-Discrimination and Harassment of the manual.
Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment 10.10
I. Discrimination
A. No person shall, on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived identity with regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, veteran status, or any other distinguishing physical or personality characteristics, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School District, except as provided by law.
B. The School Board shall admit students to District schools, programs, and classes without regard to a student’s actual or perceived identity with regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, veteran status, or any other distinguishing physical or personality characteristics.
II. Sexual Harassment or Other Forms of Harassment Prohibited by Law
A. The School Board forbids sexual harassment, or any other form of illegal harassment, of any employee, student, volunteer or visitor. The Board will not tolerate sexual harassment, or any other form of illegal harassment by any of its employees, students, volunteers or agents.
B. The prohibition against discrimination including sexual and other forms of illegal harassment shall also apply to non-employee volunteers who work subject to the control of school authorities, and to all vendors or service providers who have access to School Board facilities.
IV. Other Forms of Prohibited Harassment
A. Illegal harassment on the basis of any other characteristic protected by state or federal law is strictly prohibited. This includes verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his/her actual or perceived identity with regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, veteran status, any other distinguishing physical or personality characteristics, or any other characteristic protected by law.
B. Bullying – Bullying and harassment based on a student’s actual or perceived identity with regard to race, color, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or any other distinguishing characteristics that may be defined by federal, state or local law. [NOTE: The manual addresses this prohibition more fully in Chapter 10.11 – Anti-Bully Policy].
V. Retaliation Prohibited
Any act of retaliation against an individual who files a complaint alleging a violation of the District’s anti-discrimination policy and/or sexual or illegal harassment policy or who participates in the investigation of a discrimination complaint is prohibited. For more information regarding the DCPS Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policies, please contact:
Sherry T. Jackson, J.D.
Executive Director
Office of Equity and Inclusion/Professional Standards
Duval County Public Schools
1701 Prudential Drive, 5th Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32207-8182
Phone: (904) 390-2181
Fax: (904) 390-2536