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January 17, 2024, Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Interim Meeting


Committee Members Present: 

Committee members present: Lynette Clinch, Lawrence Dennis, Dawn Emerick, Ashley Folladori, Wanda Ford, Donald Green, Heather Guzzino, Kay Hawkins, Amy Henderson, Dan Janson, Erdine Johnson, Nathan Love, Hank Rogers, Sarah Troup, Anita Vining.

Call Meeting to Order

Chair Green called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.

Recognition and welcome were given to the committee and Superintendent, Dr. Dana Kriznar, Board Member Darryl Willie, and district leadership staff in attendance were recognized and thanked for their attendance.

Chair Green announced there is a Quorum and completed a roll call for the meeting.

Approval of the January 17, 2024, Agenda

Chairman, Dr. Green, made the following recommendation to the committee:


That the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Approve the Meeting Agenda.

Vote Results:

Motion: Kay Hawkins

Second: Anita Vining



 Approval of Minutes: November 15, 2023

Chairman, Dr. Green, made the following recommendation to the committee:


That the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee accept and approve the November 15, 2023, Regular Meeting Minutes.

Vote Results:

Motion: Amy Henderson

Second: Dan Janson



Public Comment

The following individuals spoke during public comment:

Steven Corley expressed concerns about class sizes in schools (Spring Park, Rutledge Pearson), regarding square footage per student. Mr. Corley also expressed the need for more class storage space and that the district’s process should include considerations to ensure the state’s requirements for class sizes are met. (Mr. Corley provided an attachment for the committee’s review).

Karla Harper expressed concerns at Spring Park Elementary School that included: class sizes, storage capabilities in classrooms, student safety, and well-being. Ms. Harper also expressed concerns regarding Spring Park Elementary School’s media center and computer lab sizes, lack of space for library books and student accommodations to meet the city’s reading initiative.

Susan Aertker gave comments regarding the 2022 Annual Report Recommendations page and expressed concerns regarding DCPS Charter Schools capital outlay funding and asked for the committee’s attention and awareness regarding House Bill 748 and House Bill 1259 in relation to charter school leases.  


Items to be Discussed

Legislative Review

DCPS Chief Legal Counsil, Ray Poole, gave a PowerPoint Presentation: DCPS HB Overview

Discussion included: Explanations regarding: the committee’s role legislation in the current year- the 52 statutes that involve education and the statutes being presented involve funding measures for traditional and charter schools. Discussion outlined charter school utilization or capital assets (HB443), student enrollment guidelines (HB 1259), COFTE funds, charter school eligibility measures (HB 1537), impacts to the sales tax referendum (HB 7063), and the committee’s capability to request information that is not required under legislation.

The following committee members asked questions regarding HB 443, upcoming legislation that will further impact education and funding, and how far back charter schools began receiving funds: Dan Janson, Amy Henderson, and Heather Guzzino

DCPS Chief Legal Counsil, Ray Poole, and Chief Financial Officer, Ron Fagan, provided answers to the committee: suggestion regarding legislative impact was to wait for all legislative bills to come out before reviewing and determining the impacts, and a general time frame regarding when charter schools began receiving funds was provided.


Charter School Communications

Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Chairman, Dr. Donald Green, reviewed a committee letter from 2021 that was sent to charter schools to request more information regarding the reporting of dispersed sales surtax funds. Dr. Green held a discussion with the committee regarding the 6 charter schools that did not provide financial records to the district.  Discussion included: a description of the letter for review, the committee’s feedback regarding sending a request to the schools regarding who did not submit requested documentation.

The following committee members provided input regarding identifying the 6 charter schools and the importance of the committee’s efforts to take some responsibility and action: Dawn Emerick, Erdine Johnson.

Chairman, Dr. Green, made the following recommendation to the committee and called for a motion:


That the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee approve the Chairman sending a letter on behalf of the committee requesting the information not provided by 6 charter schools at the last regularly scheduled meeting on, November 15, 2023.

Vote Results:

Motion: Hank Rogers

Second: Lawrence Dennis




Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Chairman, Dr. Donald Green, held discussion with the committee members regarding committee business. Discussion included: the 2022 annual report recommendations and updates, consider recommendations of the committee for the 2023 Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Annual Report review at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Dr. Green asked former chairman, Hank Rogers, to provide updates regarding whether the 2022 recommendations have been met.

Hank Rogers addressed the 6 Annual Report recommendations and called upon district staff present in the room to help provide context to the status of these recommendations.

Discussion included:

  • Recommendation 1 and 2 – expanding community outreach related to the Master Facility Plan and identifying a point of contact on the District’s Master Facility Plan Website – Mr. Rogers acknowledged and thanked Chief of Marketing and Public Relations, Dr. Tracy Pierce. Dr. Pierce also confirmed there is a questions icon that allows stakeholders to send questions for response through the website.

  • Recommendation 3 – the School Board consider a Lunch and Learn with City Council and the Mayor to gain support of the work of the Master Facility Plan. Duval County School Board Chairman, Darryl Willie, addressed the committee and confirmed joint meetings have and will continue to take place.

  • Recommendation 4 – that the School Board and the Sales surtax Oversight Committee identify a designated contact at the charter schools for reporting and documentation of charter schools. Director of Charter Schools, Eugene Hays, addressed the committee and confirmed there are individual finance contacts, school principal, and the governing board chair.

  • Recommendation 5 – that the School Board implement and engage timely recruitment and identification of new committee members. Mr. Rogers suggested this recommendation is being met due to the new members present in the meeting. Chairman, Dr. Green, spoke regarding the attendance measures for the committee.

  • Recommendation 6 – consider adopting a policy to memorialize a process for modifying projects in the Master Facility Plan that involves the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee’s input.

Chief of Staff, Corey Wright, responded to this recommendation by outlining the School Board Policy process for approving and making changes to the Master Facility Plan.

The Chairman opened the floor for additional discussion and the following topics were discussed:

  • The following committee members spoke regarding public comments about class sizes, ability to survey teachers in these newly constructed buildings: Erdine Johnson, Chair Green, Anita Vining.

Executive Director, Byron Page, Assistant Superintendent, Erika Harding, and Superintendent, Dr. Dana Kriznar, provided insight to the new school designs that are now open and provided explanations regarding processes for research, project planning, construction decisions, and feedback from current teachers for decision making processes surrounding completed projects and those in progress.

  • Additional Discussion took the place regarding first annual report recommendation, community awareness and involvement from the committee, the detailed letter from the Superintendent regarding transparency and involving media outlets to share committee messaging, and Master Facility Pan Changes clarification: Lawrence Dennis, Hank Rogers, Sarah Troup.


Chief of Marketing and Public Relations, Dr. Tracy Pierce, addressed the committee regarding steps they should take to begin getting messaging from the committee to the public. Dr. Pierce outlines these steps: unifying the committee’s voice, communicating this voice and outlining details to the district, and strategizing an action plan based on that commonality.


  • Dr. Green closed with a recap of the committee’s next steps, considerations, and preparations for the next regularly scheduled meeting.


  • Chief of Staff, Corey Wright, addressed the School Board’s process when preparing and reviewing changes which includes review at a Board Workshop prior the scheduled School Board Meeting, and both meetings are publicly noticed on the district website.


Approval of Minutes

Will take place at the next meeting on February 21, 2024.

Next Meeting

Next Regular Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 10:00a.m., at the Schultz Center for Teaching and Leadership.


Chair Green made the following motion to the committee:


To adjourn the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Meeting.

Vote Results:

Motion: Amy Henderson

Second: Lawrence Dennis



The meeting was adjourned at 11:17 a.m.

Minutes were taken by Megan Mihalik, Coordinator, Strategic Planning

These minutes were approved at the February 21, 2024, Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Quarterly Meeting.

*** In order to comply with the Americans with Disability Act, some attachments are not viewable here. To receive any attachments or presentations, please email Megan Mihalik, Coordinator, Strategic Planning***