February 21, 2024, Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Quarterly Meeting
Committee Members Present:
Committee members present: Allison Busuttil, Lynette Clinch, Lawrence Dennis, Ashley Folladori, Wanda Ford, Donald Green, Heather Guzzino, Kay Hawkins, Dan Janson, Hank Rogers, Stephanie Schaap, Monique Tookes, Anita Vining, and non-voting member: Cameron Marshall.
Call Meeting to Order
Chair Green called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
Recognition and welcome were given to the committee, Duval County Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Dana Kriznar, School Board Members, Cindy Pearson, and Dr. Kelly Coker. District leadership staff in attendance were recognized and thanked for their attendance.
Chair Green announced there is a Quorum and completed a roll call for the meeting.
Approval of the February 21, 2024, Agenda
Chairman, Dr. Green, made the following recommendation to the committee:
That the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Approve the Meeting Agenda as submitted.
Vote Results:
Motion: Dan Janson
Second: Wanda Ford
Approval of Minutes: January 17, 2024
Chairman, Dr. Green, made the following recommendation to the committee:
That the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee accept and approve the January 17, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes.
Vote Results:
Motion: Dan Janson
Second: Anita Vining
Public Comment
The following individuals spoke during public comment:
Marion Tischler provided attachments and her written comment to the committee’s Chairman. She spoke during public comments about SB 748 and HB 1323 and reasons to advocate for this legislation.
Items to be Discussed
Board Update
Dr. Green announced to the committee that due to a change in travel schedule, Duval County School Board Chairman, Darryl Willie, would not be able to address the committee this morning.
Operations Overview
Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Erika Harding, and Executive Director, Byron Page, gave a PowerPoint presentation: Sales Surtax Oversight Committee – February 2024 Briefing. Discussion Included: project material costs, SREF Recommendations, Average Capacity and classroom sizes, project status updates: in progress and upcoming, and considerations regarding construction.
Committee members asked questions regarding the following: Has the School Board engaged in the community’s full awareness and understanding regarding recommendations discussed by the Duval County School Board and decisions that are actualized as a result? How does project information get proposed to the Board for consideration? What is the outcome regarding decisions of the Board at Board Workshops?
Committee members included: Allison Busuttil, Lawrence Dennis, and Hank Rogers
Assistant Superintendent, Erika Harding, and Executive Director, Byron Page, responded that a combination of consultants and staff provide information to the Board for consideration in Board Workshops. Erika introduced Board member, Kelly Coker, who addressed the committee and explained the Board’s review process and the District’s communication to the community.
There was also a request from Committee Member, Monique Tookes, to strongly urge all Board Members to engage with their district’s community beyond what is collected in reports. Dr. Coker acknowledged relaying this to all School Board Members.
There were additional questions and comments regarding class size determinations and how the district’s square footage compares to the state recommendations, safety and security projects in Phase 1, SREF and critical needs of the district.
Committee members included: Stephanie Schaap, Dr. Donald Green, Dan Janson, Hank Rogers, Lawrence Dennis and Allison Busuttil.
Executive Director, Byron Page, provided a response to the inquiries with the processes and results of historical trends, research regarding determining class sizes, and how the district’s process works regarding SREF and the critical needs review of school facility issues.
Finance Update
Chief Finance Officer, Ron Fagan gave a PowerPoint Presentation: Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Financial Services & Charter Schools Presentation. Discussion included: Sales Surtax Funding Overview for 2021, 2022 and 2023, True-up Explanations, Charter School Qualification and Reporting for the 2nd Quarter and 3rd Quarter.
Committee members asked questions regarding the Charter School Dashboard, expressed concerns regarding the District Dashboard reporting on the public facing website, true-up reporting from December 2023, and a question was directed to School Choice regarding the upcoming retreat.
Committee members included: Hank Rogers, Dan Janson, Allison Busuttil.
Mr. Fagan asked the committee for time to follow-up regarding the District Dashboard to ensure the Operations and Finance Teams are synchronized on their reporting processes within the dashboard and to provide the true-up information not reflected in the presentation.
Charter School Documentation Request
Chair Green called on Assistant Superintendent of School Choice, Sharwonda Peek. All items regarding the Charter School Documentation Request were addressed in the finance presentation.
Annual Report
Dr. Green provided a draft resolution that he worked on with a number of people and he presented for review, discussion, and next steps.
Duval County Public Schools Chief Legal Counsel, Ray Poole, addressed the committee regarding the resolution presented for review. Mr. Poole offered an alternative to the resolution and referenced board policy that outlines the scope and role of the committee. He mentioned that the elected officials are the policy makers and if the committee, which is a committee of the board, enacts a resolution then it effectively serves as the committee speaking on a matter of policy on behalf of the board. He urged an alternative solution, where the committee could present their findings as a fact-finding body to the board via a report or letter.
The committee held extensive discussion about the document that included: whether a resolution was the appropriate platform, changing the language in the document, how the committee can request the support of the Duval County School Board Members, considering the legislative sessions schedule, and who the recipients will be.
Committee Members included: Dr. Donald Green, Ashley Folladori, Stephanie Schaap, Dan Janson, Monique Tookes.
Duval County School Board Member Pearson discussed the legislative sessions and results of current bills that are no longer being reviewed. She asked the committee to consider the timing of this document due to the legislative sessions ending soon. Board Member Pearson also stated she would need time to research and learn if a resolution would be the most beneficial and appropriate mechanism for the committee to use. She expressed concern regarding the community and the document being more aligned with expressing the committee’s findings and concerns.
The committee continued discussion regarding the draft resolution that included: ensuring the decision is unanimous to move forward, taking action by sending the document, finalizing the language.
Committee Members included: Stephanie Schaap, Allison Busuttil, Monique Tookes, Cameron Marshall (student representative), Kay Hawkins, Dr. Donald Green, Heather Guzzino, Lawrence Dennis, and Lynette Clinch
There was a recommendation made by Monique Tookes to the committee regarding making a motion:
That the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Approve the resolution as presented to us be sent to the Duval County School Board and the Florida Legislature for discussion:
Vote Results:
Motion: Allison Busuttil
Second: NONE
Monique Tookes made a recommendation to the committee regarding amending the previous motion:
That the committee amend the motion regarding the resolution to include the Duval County School Board along with the list of Florida Legislators, and the governor.
Vote Results:
Motion: Dan Janson
Second: Allison Busuttil
Monique Tookes made the following recommendation to the committee regarding the resolution:
That the resolution provided to the committee be sent to the Florida Legislature, the Governor, and the Duval County School Board.
Vote Results:
Motion: Dan Janson
Second: Kay Hawkins
Draft Policy Process Review
Dr. Green spoke to the committee regarding discussion from the last meeting about the request that the committee be made aware during the process of changes being made to the Master Facility Plan.
Executive Director of Policy & Compliance, Cami Sams, and Director of Policy & Compliance, Tashonia Grant, Director of Strategic Planning, Ashley Barr, and Board Member Pearson, addressed the committee regarding the process to implement policy changes, policy review committee, and process for items pulled for the publicly noticed Board Workshop Meeting, and clarification on the policy process.
There was discussion regarding when the committee would want to receive this information regarding awareness and changes being made and presented to the Board.
Committee Members included: Dan Janson, Dr. Donald Green, Monique Tookes.
The Chair announced to the committee that Chief of Staff, Corey Wright, will be able to tell them exactly how they will receive this information that is being requested regarding the Master Facility Plan at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Hank Rogers asked the chair to address Director of Strategic Planning, Ashley Barr, to reacknowledge the committee regarding the annual report recommendations that should be included in the 2023 annual report process. She reminded the committee that the annual recommendations for consideration are a stated responsibility of the committee as stated in board policy and are to be provided to the School Board on an annual basis
Dr. Green also reviewed the list he has compiled based on the information he has noted such as making finance information more easily accessible, classroom size, and including the language of the resolution in the report. Ashley Barr and Dr. Green agreed to have the Oversight Committee send recommendations individually.
Chairman Dr. Green requested that the committee provide their individual recommendations to Strategic Planning Coordinator, Megan Mihalik.
Approval of Minutes
Will take place at the next meeting on May 15, 2024.
Next Meeting
Next Regular Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 10:00a.m., at the Schultz Center for Teaching and Leadership.
Chair Green made the following motion to the committee:
To adjourn the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Meeting.
Vote Results:
Motion: Allison Busuttil
Second: Kay Hawkins
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Minutes were taken by Megan Mihalik, Coordinator, Strategic Planning
These minutes were approved at the May 22, 2024, Sales Surtax Oversight Committee Meeting.
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