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ALSC/Candlewick Press “Light the Way” Grant: This grant is sponsored by Candlewick Press in honor of author Kate DiCamillo and the themes represented in her books. The award consists of a $3,000 grant to assist a library in conducting exemplary and replicable outreach to underserved populations through a new and innovative program or an expansion of work already being done.

Amber Brown Grant: The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) offers The Amber Brown Grant to commemorate author and beloved school speaker, Paula Danziger.  One school is awarded each year with an author or illustrator visit and new books to continue Paula’s love of connecting children with creative influences.

Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants: Schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations that help students who are below grade level or having trouble reading are eligible to apply. Grant funding is provided to assist in the following areas: Implementing new or expanding existing literacy programs. Purchasing new technology or equipment to support literacy initiatives. Purchasing books, materials, or software for literacy programs.

Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF): The Federal Communications Commission will open a third application filing window for eligible schools and libraries to request Emergency Connectivity Fund Program support for eligible equipment and up to 12 months of services that will be received or delivered between July 1, 2022, and December 31, 2023, for off-campus use by students, school staff, and library patrons with unmet needs. For eligible schools and libraries, the ECF Program will cover reasonable costs of laptop and tablet computers; Wi-Fi hotspots; modems; routers; and broadband connectivity purchases for off-campus use by students, school staff, and library patrons. Remember to contact the  Grants Office  prior to submission, because this is a federal grant.

Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award: The Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming recognizes excellence in humanities programming in libraries that serve children in grades K-8. The humanities program can be focused on many subject areas, including, but not limited to, social studies, poetry, drama, art, music, language arts, foreign language, and culture.

The Snapdragon Book Foundation: This provides up to $10,000 for books.