Jean Ribault High School will be receiving a brand-new school facility anticipated to be completed in August 2025. The transition to get to the completion of this new school will require some flexibility. So that construction can occur on the high school campus, students at impacted schools will temporarily attend school on other school campuses. Here are the schools impacted and where they will be temporarily assigned for a minimum of two academic years.
Jean Ribault High School students will transition to Ribault Middle School.
Jean Ribault Middle School students will be hosted at A. Philip Randolph Career Academies. The two schools will operate as separate entities. Visit the Jean Ribault Middle Transition to APR webpage for more information.
Schools Impacted
Jean Ribault High School
Jean Ribault Middle School
Previous Meetings
Staff Meeting - Aug. 31, 2023
Sallye B. Mathis, School Advisory Council (SAC) - Sept. 8, 2023, @ 5 p.m.
Ribault Middle, School Advisory Council (SAC) - Sept. 22, 2023, @ 5:30 p.m.
Community Meeting at Ribault High - Oct. 27, 2023, @ 5:30 p.m.
Parents, Staff, and Stakeholders Meeting at A. Philip Randolph Career Academies - Feb. 28, 2023, @ 5:30 p.m.
Formal Groundbreaking at Jean Ribault High baseball fields (parking at Jean Ribault Middle) - Sept. 19, 2023, @ 4 p.m.
Design Renderings

Note: These renderings are in the preliminary stage.