Individualized Educational Plan
Every child with a disability who is currently eligible for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) will have an IEP.
The IEP:
Is a plan individualized for the particular student
Is developed by an IEP Team at the school and includes the parent as a team member
Describes the services and supports the studentwill receive at school, including:
a present level statement of what the student is currently able to do and what s/he struggles with academically, behaviorally and/or in functional skills;
measurable annual goals;
short-term objectives;
related services;
transition services and/or
supplementary aids
To request an IEP meeting for a student who is already eligible for ESE, contact the ESE Teacher or Service Provider at the student’s school.
To ensure meaningful parent participation, collaboration and greater compliance with IDEA requirements, the district is embracing a new facilitated approach to Exceptional Student Education (ESE) meetings. Schools and districts using the Facilitated IEP or FIEP process report fewer federal and state complaints, due process hearings, mediation and litigation, as well as shorter, more effective meetings with less conflict. The facilitated process helps to clarify team member roles and responsibilities, manages efficient time allocations for tasks, and assures that the meeting produces the desired outcome for the student. Click here to view a video of this process.
Contact Information
Sherry A. Kaufman
Email Sherry A. Kaufman
Important Links