Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) Exceptional Student Education Hospital/Homebound District Operated Programs

Duval’s Hospital/Homebound is an eligibility-based program providing continuity of core instruction to assist students K-12 who are temporarily unable to attend their school due to medical or psychiatric conditions. Students found eligible for the Hospital/Homebound program are provided exceptional education services and access to specially designed supports based on individual student needs.

Highly qualified certified DCPS teachers provide flexible instruction via regularly scheduled WEB based and/or face to face instruction in the home, hospital or facility to ensure students are able to continue working toward skill building and meeting grade level academic requirements based on DCPS curriculum and pacing guides.

Students may require full-time, part time or as needed academic support which is directly driven and communicated by recommendations received from the student’s medical doctor and/or psychiatrist.  Student with severe, chronic, or intermittent conditions may also be eligible for services.

The Hospital/Homebound program focuses on providing access for students in meeting core academic requirements (standard high school electives may be met through alternative options) for students expected to be absent for at least 15 consecutive school days.

Click Here to Download the Hospital /Homebound Services Form

Hospital/Homebound Contact Information

Phone:  (904) 348-5191
Fax Line:   (904) 348-5194


S.P. Livingston Elementary School
1128 Barber Street
Jacksonville, FL 32209