In order to participate in Home Education Dual Enrollment, a student must have earned four full high school credits and meet all of the eligibility requirements as outlined by Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ). For more information on signing up for Dual Enrollment, please contact FSCJ at the email address below.
Duval County Public Schools offers PERT Testing for registered Home Education students at no cost to students.
To sign up for testing, please click here.
Please note, per FSCJ, applicants may not attempt a subject area more than five (5) times. In preparation for the PERT/ACT/SAT creating and linking a College Board Account to a Khan Academy account will provide students with an individualized practice plan based on a diagnostic of their PSAT (and/or SAT). For directions, students may click here. For any student that has not taken PSAT/SAT, Khan Academy does have a diagnostic assessment that will generate individualized practice for skills the student finds challenging. Test preparation will help promote your child's success.
Important Contacts
FSCJ Dual Enrollment Coordinator for Home Education, Labrena Bowman, Email Home School Dual Enrollment
Send all inquiries about FSCJ Home Education Dual Enrollment to Labrena Bowman. Test scores will be sent to Labrena Bowman at FSCJ the next business day for FSCJ to process.
FSCJ Home Education Registration Deadlines: Fall – July 31st/ Summer – March 3rd / Spring – December 1st
For information on how to register your child as a home education student, visit click here. If your child is already registered or once registered, you may request that a DCPS Home Education Verification for Dual Enrollment to FSCJ. Email Home School Dual Enrollment