Duval County Instructional Program for Gifted Students
Frequently Asked Questions about Gifted Identification
What is a gifted learner?
Florida’s current definition of giftedness is: One who has superior intellectual development and is capable of high performance.
How can students be nominated for gifted consideration?
A student may be nominated for gifted screening by a parent/guardian, the student, a teacher, and/or as a result of a review of achievement data.
How do parents/guardians make their request for screening?
Requests for gifted screening are made in writing to the principal’s designee.
What happens after a student is screened?
Parents/guardians will be notified of the results of the screening. Students who earn a requisite score on the screener will receive the Gifted Informed Notice/Consent for Evaluation. Once the signed consent form is returned to the school, the student is referred for an individual intellectual assessment with the school psychologist.