Congratulations on getting your funding!
Now the real work begins. Starting and managing your grant-funded program properly is important for compliance, and is essential to keep operations running. Make sure you go through all of the necessary steps to properly start up, implement, and close down your grant.
Remember, every grant over $10,000 must be reported to the Grants Office, and every request over $75,000 must be reported to the board.
The downloadable templates in the following links are useful tools for collecting information about your grants and sharing them with the appropriate people.
Post-award checklist - An overview of activities to consider immediately after receiving your award.
Startup details report template - A template to use to share an overview of your grant project with others.
Implementation guide - Creating an implementation project guide with vital details is a useful way to keep all of the important information about a grant in one place, and share it with the people who need to be kept in the loop.
Notifying the Right People in the District
Step 1: Tell your Grants team - by clicking in this to notify the right people. See the post-award checklist for guidance.
Step 2: Tell the Grants Department to document the award and get support.
Step 3: Contact the Budget Department to set up the grant fund for use.
Step 4: Contact Human Resources for assistance with staffing.
Step 5: Contact the Legal Department if contractors are involved.
More questions? Set up a meeting with the Grants Department to make a plan for your award.
Management Tools and Useful Information
Some grants require more management than others. Search through the following tools to find guidance to manage your grant and stay in compliance.
Federal and state awards have very specific requirements. Click here to go to the DCPS Grants department Federal and state award page.
Other sites that have good basic information about grants management:
13 Top Tips for Grant Management Monitoring
Coming soon: DCPS Grants Management Guide