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The Facilities Maintenance Department's mission is to provide well maintained functional facilities conducive to ensuring a safe and efficient instructional environment for all students, faculty and administrators of the Duval County Public School System.

Each new school year proposes many new challenges for the Maintenance Department. We are experiencing tightened budgets, smaller staffs and increased demands. The maintenance staff currently services over 17,000,000 square foot of building space with approximately 300 employees.  As recently as 1984 the maintenance staff serviced just over 10,000,000 square feet of building space with more than 475 employees.  Through the years, the maintenance staff has had to become more efficient and currently operates as any other large business with customer service and efficiency as our driving forces.

Despite the number and complexity of work orders, over 140,000 are completed annually, we maintain a high success rate and continuously outperform the other similarly sized school districts. Our success comes from each member of our staff understanding that each student, parent, teacher or visitor is our client and deserves our best effort every day.  On these pages we'll introduce you to our staff as well as provide you (our customers) with important information that will help your school get the best service in the nation.