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High School Athletic Eligibility

You can find detailed rules on High School Athletic Eligibility in the Florida High School Athletic Association Handbook link below.

Middle School Athletic Eligibility

Student Eligibility

1. Limit of Eligibility - Athletes have 3 years of eligibility from the time they enter 6th grade, whether they do or do not participate in athletics during any of those years. The student must be approved by the principal to represent his/her school for each athletic contest. It is the right of the principal to deny such participation. All student athletes will be listed on your eligibility roster in alpha order. Jersey number or MGR (for managers) must be listed under the jersey # column for the roster to be considered complete.

A student is eligible under the following conditions: 

2. Attendance: He/she must be in regular attendance at least 2 full periods the day of the athletic contest. A student on outside suspension shall be ineligible from the time of the infraction until the time of reinstatement.

3. Age: He or she may not participate if the age of fifteen (15) is reached prior to September 1. 

4. Academic Requirements: A student will become academically eligible upon his or her promotion to the 6th grade. There after the student must maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) for each grading period. A student must not have more than 1 failing grade to remain eligible for athletics. (Two or more F’s with or without a 2.0, the student is not eligible to participate in sports) including electives.

a) For 7th and 8th grade students, their eligibility is based on the entire previous school years cumulative average. The final grades for each class are what are to be used to determine GPA. A student must not have more than 1 failing grade including electives and semester classes. (An F is considered a failing grade).

b) The report card will determine eligibility at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nine week grading period. (Eligibility will be determined the day report cards are issued.) It shall be the duty of the Athletic Director to have each child’s record checked at the end of each nine weeks. A student’s eligibility is determined by the previous 9 weeks grades. The student will become eligible or ineligible on the day that report cards are issued. Grade recovery will not affect the student’s eligibility until the day report cards are issued for the next nine-week period.

Section 1 will be changed to conform to Florida Legislative mandates or The Florida High School Activities Association (FHSAA) By-laws as they are changed from time to time. Such changes will not require a vote of the membership. The president will be responsible to make the changes and mail revised copies of the constitution to the membership.

***6th graders will be GPA eligible based on their regular promotion for the first nine weeks only. After that, all eligibility rules will apply.

6. Required Documents for participation

a) Health Certificate- Students each year shall undergo a physical evaluation and shall be certified as being physically fit for interscholastic athletic practice or competition before being allowed to participate. This certificate is to be kept on file at the school. The physical examination validity period will be 365 days from the date of issue.

Fl Statutes (5.1002.20(17) (b)10 

b) Insurance Verification- Base health insurance coverage including sports related injuries is a requirement for participation in athletics and in the event an individual or family medical plan is not provided participation in athletics will be denied or revoked. School sports participation insurance for students is provided for purchase by Duval County Schools in the event individual or family plan coverage is not currently in place. In addition, insurance coverage must be maintained throughout the duration of the sports season. Parents are responsible for notifying the school immediately if the policy should lapse for any reason.

c) Parental Consent - Students shall present a statement of consent to the principal each year before participation in any inter-scholastic athletic event.

d) Consent and Release from Liability Certificate- Students shall present a signed copy of the EL3 consisting of the Consent and Release from Liability Certificate for Concussions, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Hea Related Illnesses form as documentation of understanding the dangers of concussions and heat related illnesses. 

e) Sportsmanship Contract - Students shall present a signed copy with all required signatures of the Sportsmanship contract as documentation of understanding the sportsmanship expectations of Duval County Public Schools.

f) Birth Certificate – Students must present an official copy for age verification to the Athletic Director. A copy of the original will be kept on file in the Athletic Directors office. It is the responsibility of the Athletic Director to verify age for all student athletes.

Discipline - See Duval County Code of Conduct