Dynamic Teaching Moments

John E. Ford K-8 – Praise for Civics teacher Zach Behan 

Shared by Jessica Brother, a social studies specialist: This shoutout recognizes John E. Ford K-8 social studies teacher Zach Behan and the great instruction taking place in his seventh grade civics class. According to social studies specialist Jessica Brother, Behan did a great job setting up and implementing learning stations throughout his classroom. Students rotated to various stations, spending 10 minutes participating in activities and discussions tied to different civics topics such as becoming a U.S. citizen, and how the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights safeguard individual rights. Shares Brother, “Students are turning on their brain and learning civics benchmarks while working together as student teams. The accountable talk and learning that took place was amazing.” Wonderful work!  

Teacher Zach Behan stands with a student during his class

Grand Park Career Center: Praise for Social Studies Teacher Marilyn White 

Shared by Karen Reese, school psychologist: This Team Duval Shoutout celebrates the hard work of Marilyn White, a social studies teacher at Grand Park Career Center. Peers describe her as an inspirational educator who motivates students to unleash their full potential. School psychologist Karen Reese shares about White: “She encourages students to view challenges as opportunities to learn, and she tailors feedback to individual student needs. She creates a supportive learning environment, encourages collaboration, connects learning to real-world applications, allows for student choice, and celebrates individual achievements.” As seen in these photos, White recently encouraged students to participate in a door decorating contest during Red Ribbon Week inspiring this creative design. Thanks for all you do!  

Grand Park Career Center Social Studies Teacher Marilyn White and her students posing in front of decorated door

San Jose ES – Praise for Stephanie Weathington’s Strategic Use of Data 

Shared by Marianne Simon, Elementary Region Superintendent: This Team Duval Shoutout goes to Stephanie Weathington, a third grade teacher at San Jose Elementary School, for how she connects data to student achievement. Elementary Region Superintendent Marianne Simon explains: “She helps her students understand their data and the reason why they are working on various skills in her classroom. All students can articulate what they have done well on and what they are continuing to get better at!” Thank you for your hard work!  

San Jose Elementary teacher Stephanie Weathington working with students

Hendricks Avenue ES – Teacher empowers students through small group roles 

Shared by Marianne Simon, Elementary Region Superintendent: Today we’re recognizing Joy Kettel, a fourth grade teacher at Hendricks Avenue Elementary, for putting a creative spin on Teams and student involvement in her class. Elementary Region Superintendent Marianne Simon says Kettel, “... has implemented the Power of Student Teams in her classroom seamlessly. Students are leading discussions in small groups using group roles like the Positive Pacing Partner, the Benchmark and Rubric Guru, the Reading Detective, and the Reading Reporter.” Way to implement great ideas, Mrs. Kettel!  

Hendricks Avenue Elementary Teacher Joy Kettel works with a group of fourth grade students

Lake Shore Middle School – Admin and staff celebrated for unique professional development

Shared by April Slade, K-12 Social Studies Director: A big shoutout goes to the staff and admin at Lake Shore Middle who presented exciting new approaches to professional development strategies. Teacher leaders Mr. Garnett, Ms. Whitehorn, Ms. Williamson, Ms. Dawes, Ms. Williams, Mr. Newton, Ms. Erwin, Ms. Carr, and Ms. Byard created mini-PD modules focused on small group remediation, common planning and assessment, student engagement, and more.

As they exchanged ideas, educators had a chance to enjoy exquisite Jamaican cuisine prepared by the teachers from Jamaica who are part of the Teachers Placement Group (a program bringing teachers from other countries to Jacksonville). Thank you all for your commitment to fostering engaging methods that promote academic success!

Admin and staff

Spring Park ES - Students learn from creative Hispanic Heritage Month lesson

Shared by Jessica Brothers, Elementary Social Studies Specialist: Spring Park Elementary teacher Silvia Ramirez is being commended for putting a creative spin on Hispanic Heritage Month with her ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students! Earlier this month, the VPK teacher sent each student home with a blank paper doll. Students were tasked with "dressing" the dolls as themselves, but in the clothes of a Latin American country of their choice. Students had fun sharing their work in front of their peers and learning about other cultures. What a fun way to learn!

Spring Park ES – Students from creative Hispanic Heritage Month lesson

Fort Caroline ES - Teacher catches tadpoles, brings science lesson to life

Shared by Amy Bell, an ESE Reading Specialist: This shoutout celebrates Fort Caroline Elementary School teacher Karen Hyers for bringing nature into the classroom for a fun, hands-on lesson. Here's what ESE

Reading Specialist Amy Bell says about the creative educator: "Rainy days mean adventure! First-gradeteacher Karen Hyers is making a splash at Fort Caroline Elementary. By catching tadpoles, she's bringing reading lessons to life and blending science with literacy. This hands-on approach engages her students and helps them make real-life connections." Great work!

Science lesson

Loretto Elementary - Praising Kindergarten teacher Susana Napolitan

Shared by Katie Kerlin, a parent: Today's shoutout finds one Loretto Elementary School parent celebrating kindergarten teacher Susana Napolitan and the impact she had on her son. Katie Kerlin credits Napolitan for helping her son Hendrix have a smooth transition from preschool to kindergarten by making learning fun. She also says Napolitan challenges students when appropriate, communicated well with parents, and went above and beyond to make sure her son had a great first year in elementary. Thank you, Ms. Napolitan, for your dedication to our students!

Kindergarten teacher Susana Napolitan with student

Seabreeze ES - Parents celebrate Melissa Remley

Shared by parents Mandy Jo Moldehnke and Jayme Cannon: Seabreeze Elementary parents are praising second-grade teacher Melissa Remley for supporting students in and out of the classroom. Parent Jayme Cannon says, "Did you know she meets any interested students every Thursday night for Library Night where she walks around with them, and hand-picks books based on their reading level and interests? She makes learning fun, and her students adore her." Parent Mandy Jo Moldehnke adds, "Mrs. Remley meets each student exactly where he or she is. She is a parent's dream of a teacher (and) she embodies all it is to be a teacher." Thank you, Ms. Remley, for your impact on our students!

Melissa Remley with students

Loretto ES - Students want "s' more" of a fun lesson

Shared by Kim Harris, a parent: Racheal Cuppy, a second-grade teacher at Loretto Elementary School, is being celebrated for executing a "yummy" and memorable science lesson! Parent Kim Harris says Cuppy's creativity has brought learning to life for her son: "She goes above & beyond to make learning fun, engaging & interesting. In order to help the kiddos understand science & have fun doing it, she had them create Solar Oven S'mores...since doing this in class, our son has wanted to do it at home too!" Great work, Ms. Cuppy!

Loretto ES student

San Jose ES - Four teachers share key strategies at national conference

Shared by Lori Frank, an employee: We're celebrating four San Jose Elementary teachers for sharing some of their best practices for K-5 reading standards at the National Association for School-University Partnerships (NASUP) conference! Stephanie Weathington (Kindergarten), Leah Teuschel (second grade), Amy Boyter (first grade), and Thomasena Thompson (third grade) presented "Burst That Bubble: Creating and Sustaining a Vertical Learning Community." Their presentation was based on their own experiences in forming their own vertical learning community to close the gap between primary and intermediate grade levels, and to share strategies for literacy instruction. This is the second time that the NASUP, which promotes collaboration between K-12 schools and universities, has accepted their application to present at the conference. Great work!

San Jose ES teachers

Landmark MS - Shouting out the school's band and chorus

Shared by Rebecca Azelton, Chorus director: It's been a year of success and growth for Landmark Middle School's Band and Chorus! According to teacher Rebecca Azelton, Band Director Termarcus Mixon's efforts to build the program are paying off. By opening the band room before school, Mixon has allowed students to practice music, work on note pitches, and fix embouchure issues. As a result, they've developed better sound and better skills in reading music. Chorus students are also growing in excelling in their skills, with more sight reading and in participating in multiple districtwide performances. Great work!

School's band and chorus

Bridge to Success Academy MS - Lunch and Learn plants seeds of success

Shared by Latina Brewer, an employee: "Our phenomenal elementary and secondary science teachers, Ms. Blake and Ms. Exum, planned a lunch and learn experience titled 'Glow and Grow' for Science Week. They had a mini-lesson on the life cycle of plants and allowed students to plant their own flowers and berries during their lunchtime." Sounds like a great experience - good job!

'Glow and Grow' for Science Week

Frank H. Peterson Academies – Mrs. Harwood, “Best teacher I have ever had”

Shared by Jasmine Tanori, student: Today's shoutout comes from a Frank H. Peterson student who is grateful for her Language Arts teacher, Brenda Harwood. As demonstrated in this photo taken during Spirit Week (Harwood is on the left and student Jasmine Tanori is on the right), Tanori says one of Harwood's great qualities is her "awesome style." She goes on to say this: "My teacher Mrs. Harwood is the best teacher I have ever had. She cares about her students and has helped me get through the year and helped me learn a lot.

She is so sweet and honestly just an amazing person/teacher."

Mrs. Harwood and student

Paxon School for Advanced Studies - Teacher Receives "Make a Difference" Award

Shared by LaShanda Allen, AP at Paxon School for Advanced Studies: Video production educator Andrew Bowen is being rewarded by the KinderVision Foundation for his ongoing commitment to helping his students use their lens to make a difference. The KinderVision Foundation runs the "The Greatest Save Teen PSA Program" which encourages high school students to create short videos on important topics. The foundation presented Bowen with this year's "Mary Biggs Knauer Make a Difference Award" in recognition of the stellar work produced by his students. According to CEO Nancy Sebastian, "His students have made meaningful contributions to our video library used by high schools around the country to address teen issues. His focus on personal as well as professional excellence for his students is exemplary." KinderVision also presented Bowen with a $100 check. Congratulations!

Teacher Receives "Make a Difference" Award

Greenland Pines ES - Teacher praised for elevating student voice

Shared by Marianne Simon, Elementary Region 1 Superintendent: "Kelly Watts, 3rd grade teacher at Greenland Pines, does an amazing job getting students engaged in discourse. Here she is leading her class in a Socratic seminar. During this seminar, students were summarizing their text using plot and theme. Student voice is definitely heard in Ms. Watts' class!"

Kelly Watts

Bayview ES - An engaging lesson for students with Autism

Shared by Marianne Simon, Elementary Region 1 Superintendent:

"Jordan Price is an amazing CSS teacher at Bayview. During a recent instructional walk, many assistant principals from Region 1 were able to see her differentiated learning centers for her students with Autism.

Students were highly engaged in their work. Her class is a true model for others!"

Teacher working with students

Mamie Agnes Jones ES - No "Escaping" A Great Lesson

Shared by Dr. Marianne Simon, Elementary Region 1 Superintendent:

"Ms. Raymer, a 5th grade teacher, makes reading fun, yet challenging each and every day. She created an Escape Room Halloween activity for her students to help assess student understanding of what they have been learning in their Benchmark Advance lessons. She goes above and beyond for her students!"

Mamie Agnes Jones ES

Crown Point ES - Praise for a lesson in character traits

From Marianne Simon, Elementary Region 1 Superintendent: "Bobbi Smith is a 3rd grade teacher at Crown Point Elementary. Third grade students tend to have difficulty understanding character traits, but in a recent lesson, Ms. Smith supported her students with anchor charts and explicit modeling enabling her students to be very successful. Amazing teacher!"

Bobbi Smith teaching in class

Gregory Drive ES - Mr. Ford's Bootcamp

Shared by Nia Johnson, Gregory Drive Educator:

"This year, Mr. Kenneth Ford was given an esteemed group of fifth-grade students. At the end of the year, the students are reaching for proficiency to pass their science assessment. After months of tracking data, Mr. Ford decided to host a BOOTCAMP for the students to help them prepare in a fun way!"

Mr. Ford's Bootcamp

Matthew Gilbert MS - Recognizing Civics teacher, Tarra Smith

Shared by April Slade, social studies specialist:

Ms. Slade recently visited Tarra Smith's classroom and was impressed with how the six-year educator helped her students analyze different international conflicts the United States has encountered. The students were working in groups and very on-task. Each group was in charge of studying a specific conflict and then teaching it to their fellow classmates.

Tarra Smith with students

Matthew Gilbert MS - Recognizing Civics teacher, Tarra Smith

Shared by April Slade, social studies specialist:

Ms. Slade recently visited Tarra Smith's classroom and was impressed with how the six-year educator helped her students analyze different international conflicts the United States has encountered. The students were working in groups and very on-task. Each group was in charge of studying a specific conflict and then teaching it to their fellow classmates.

Tarra Smith with students

San Mateo ES - The Food Truck Challenge

Shared by Deborah Griffin, School Admin:

Ms. Miller's 5th Grade gifted class studied the "Food Truck Challenge." Students were tasked with creating replica food items they would offer on the food truck. They had to scavenge outdoors and inside the classroom to create the dishes they would serve.

The Food Truck Challenge

Wolfson HS - Dissecting the nervous system

Students in Ms. Bramer's Anatomy and Physiology Honors class have been experiencing true, hands-on learning through the dissection of sheep brains and cow eyes. This process is helping students learn about the nervous system as they explore internal and external anatomy.

Dissecting the nervous system

San Jose ES - Literacy Week

Shared by Lynn Paz, San Jose ES educator:

"At San Jose we did several activities for Literacy Week. We had a Vocabulary Parade were students and staff dressed up as a word. We also explored new worlds and dress up as explorers... We also wore out readable shirts!

Literacy Week

LaVilla MS - Master writing class

Shared by Nancy Bethea, educator at LaVilla:

"LaVilla's Creative Writing Department participated in a virtual writing masterclass with Arielle Haughee, author and publisher at Orange Blossom Publishing in Orlando. Ms. Haughee reviewed 12 children's picture book manuscripts written by the LaVilla students and offered feedback and editing tips."

Master writing class

Hidden Oaks ES - Exceptional math and reading instruction

Shared by Principal Polydore:

"Our fifth-grade teachers, Susan Jeffers, works so hard with the 5th grade students in math and reading every day! She spends nights and weekends ensuring our students are successful. She motivated the students to complete a science review during the holiday winter break. The students returned with excitement as they completed an assessment to show off their knowledge! There was an average of 90% proficiency on the assessment!"

5th grade teacher with students

LaVilla MS - Lessons from the Holocaust

Shared by Maxine Bergman, Team Duval educator:

LaVilla MS brought second-generation Holocaust survivors to visit sixth grade students after they completed their class novel, The Devil's Arithmetic. It was a way of making history real for students!

Lessons from the Holocaust